Salamasick / Linsteadt | Auditing Vendor Relationships | Buch | 978-0-89413-511-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 85 Seiten

Salamasick / Linsteadt

Auditing Vendor Relationships

Buch, Englisch, 85 Seiten

ISBN: 978-0-89413-511-8
Verlag: The Institute of Internal Auditors

The aim of the handbook is to provide the auditor with the tools necessary to create a successful partnership for outsourced services and to provide management with the assurance that the outsourced processes are effective and efficient.
The current trend toward outsourcing is continuing today at a rapid pace. Processes are being turned over and control is being relinquished for many tasks that have been identified as non-core to the company. Many times, these outsourcing partnerships are successful and result in increased profits for the company.

However, on some occasions outsourcing can have unintended and unforeseen consequences for the bottom line of the organization. To avoid these unwanted risks, management should employ the full use of the internal audit department and the skills that many of the internal audit staff bring to the table.

Use this beneficial handbook and you will:

Discover the value of internal auditing in outsourcing and right sourcing relationships.
Explore issues and control objectives surrounding outsourcing.
Gain the necessary tools and skills to create successful partnerships.
Develop new methods and techniques for identifying and mitigating outsourcing risks.
Learn how to assure solid vendor relationships.
Explore the future of outsourcing and the role internal auditors will play.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Mark Salamasick,CIA, CISA, CSP, MBA teaches Information Technology Risk Management the University of Texas at Dallas(UTD) along with providing audit and risk management consulting. He is a member of the IIA International Board of Research Adivsors. He also serves on the Board of Govenors of the IIA North Chapter, Board of the UNT IIA Endorsed Program, and the Executive Advisory Board for the UTD Accounting Program.
Mr. Salamasick was Senior Vice President in the Internet/Intranet Services group for Bank of America for the past two years. For eighteen years he was an Information Technology Audit Director at the bank. In those roles he dealt with many outsourced operations along with the audit liaison to clients. Prior to working for the bank he was a Senior Consultant for Anderson Consulting in the Advanced Information Technology Group. He has taught full time at the Central Michigan University and part time for Northwood Institute. He worked on the development of an online audit course for the University of Maryland.
He received the 1994 IIA International Audit and Technology award for his efforts on the Systems Auditability and Control work related to Emerging Technology. He also participated in the update of the 2001/2002 eSAC modules for the IIA. Mr. Salamasick received his Bachelors and MBA from Central Michigan University with an emphasis in Accounting and Management.

Chris Linsteadt, M.B.A., M.S. is currently an independent Audit and Risk Management consultant. Previously, he was employed at the Federal Deposit Insurance Company as an Account Officer in Risk Management. His responsibilities at the FDIC related to identification and assessment of risks for the portfolio of assets held by the company. He was instrumental in helping to develop a nation wide computer database for the FDIC that managed all risk and insurance information. He has passed all parts of the C.P.A exam for Texas and holds a Masters of Science in Accounting along with a Masters of Business Administration.

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