Saltman / Figueras / Sakellarides | Critical Challenges for Health Care Reform in Europe | Buch | 978-0-335-23268-0 |

Buch, Englisch

Saltman / Figueras / Sakellarides

Critical Challenges for Health Care Reform in Europe

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23268-0
Verlag: Open University Press

This volume explores the central issues driving the present process of healthcare reform in Europe. 17 chapters written by scholars and policy makers from all parts of Europe draw together the available evidence from epidemiology and public health, economics, public policy, organizational behaviour and management theory as well as real world policy making experience, laying out the options that health sector decision-makers confront. Through its cross-disciplinary, cross-national approach, the book highlights the underlying trends that now influence health policy formulation across Europe. An authoritative introduction provides a broad synthesis of present trends and strategies in European health policy.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part one: The context for health reform
Values, norms and the reform of healthcare systems
Macro-economic constraints and health challenges facing European health systems
Part two: Demand side strategies
Balancing competition and solidarity in healthcare financing
The appropriate role for patient cost-sharing
Priority setting and rationing health services
Reforming public health services
Part three: Supply side strategies
Contracting models and provider competition
The allocation of capital and health sector reform
Performance-tied payment systems for physicians
Financing operating costs for hospital services
Changing hospital systems
The usual suspect and the failure of cost containment
regulating expenditure on medicines in European Union countries
Part four: On state, citizen and society
The role of the state in healthcare reform
Optimal balance of centralized and decentralized management
Citizen participation and patient choice in health reform
Values, norms and the reform of healthcare systems
Part five: Implementing health reform
Implementing healthcare reform
a framework for discussion
Implementing healthcare reform
a review of current experience
Part six: Assessing the evidence

Richard Saltman is Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, and a consultant to the Health Systems Analysis unit of the WHO Regional Office for Europe in Copenhagen.

Josep Figueras is Acting Regional Officer in the Health Systems Analysis unit of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, and Senior Lecturer at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Constantino Sakellarides is Director-General for Health in the Ministry of Health in Portugal. He was previously Director of Health Policy and Services Department at the WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen.

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