Santini / Supino / Bailetti | Case Studies on the Business of Nutraceuticals, Functional and Super Foods | Buch | 978-0-12-821408-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 220 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Santini / Supino / Bailetti

Case Studies on the Business of Nutraceuticals, Functional and Super Foods

A Volume in the Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing Series
Erscheinungsjahr 2022
ISBN: 978-0-12-821408-4
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

A Volume in the Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing Series

Buch, Englisch, 220 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-821408-4
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

A volume in the Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing Series, Case Studies on the Business of Nutraceuticals considers nutraceuticals from a strategic marketing perspective, exploring consumer needs and trends as a pathway to defining novel opportunities in developing and marketing these products.

In addition to highlighting the importance of consumer needs in shaping a market strategy for nutraceuticals, this book also defines emerging trends and explores recent developments in the nutraceutical industry.

Containing 11 chapters, this book, explores the competitive landscape of the global and European nutraceutical market, focusing on key market drivers, consumer and product trends, and marketing and technological challenges.

Case Studies on the Business of Nutraceuticals outlines the processes that lead to the introduction of new products and the entrance of new competitors in the market and highlights how a market strategy that's focused on consumers' needs can contribute to a company's strategy.

The case studies and examples contained in this book demonstrate how companies can employ consumer science strategies to revise existing or develop new products and are sure to be a welcomed resource by new product developers, policy makers, food scientists, academicians, and students studying related fields.
Santini / Supino / Bailetti Case Studies on the Business of Nutraceuticals, Functional and Super Foods jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Section 1 The scenario
1. Nutraceuticals, a focus on products
2. Nutrition and humans
3. Consumers and Nutraceuticals
4. Market and trends

Section 2 Strategy
5. Niches
6. Mature products rejuvenation
7. Ethical issues and sustainability
8. The importance of packaging, labelling (and communication)
9. New product development
10. Conclusions

Bailetti, Lucia Irene
Lucia Bailetti is a Food Engineer. She is Sensory, Consumer & Neuromarketing manager of Intertek Italia SpA. She has authored several scientific publications in the field of Sensory Science and Food. She teaches at University San Raffaele Roma as well as the University of Camerino, Italy.

Supino, Stefania
Stefania Supino, Ph.D. in "Commodity Science" (Sapienza University of Rome), is Full Professor at University San Raffaele Roma, where she teaches Innovation, Technology and Quality Management Systems, within the graduate degree program of Nutraceuticals and Nutrition. Her main research themes are related to sustainability, circular economy, quality process management and environmental management and assessment tools.

Santini, Cristina
Cristina Santini is Associate Professor at University San Raffaele Roma, in Italy. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Management of Enterprises and Local Systems from the University of Florence and a Master's Degree in Economics and Management in Viticulture (University of Florence). Her research interests focus on Agribusiness and Wine Business and exploring issues related to Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Ecopreneurship, Innovation, Sustainability and Participatory Research Approaches.

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