Saunders | International Tax Systems and Planning Techniques 2011/2012 | Buch | 978-0-414-02268-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 1290 Seiten


International Tax Systems and Planning Techniques 2011/2012

1. Auflage 2011
ISBN: 978-0-414-02268-3
Verlag: Sweet & Maxwell

Buch, Englisch, 1290 Seiten

ISBN: 978-0-414-02268-3
Verlag: Sweet & Maxwell

International Tax Systems and Planning Techniques provides detailed coverage of the legislation and planning techniques for investments and business opportunities in 32 key jurisdictions worldwide.

The new edition:

Provides detailed coverage of the legislation and planning techniques for investments and business opportunities in over 32 jurisdictions worldwide
Offers accessible information on cross-border transactional issues and relevant anti-avoidance legislation affecting their tax efficiency
Covers the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) jurisdictions discussing how tax issues are dealt with, the legislation against offshore tax planning and the taxation of non residents
Includes a case study offering expert commentary on the issues you need to be aware of when examining individual jurisdictions
Considers the taxation of foreign source profits or income, the taxation of partnership or companies, and taxation of domestic profits for individuals
Offers expert commentary on many new double tax treaties and multilateral agreements that impact this area, along with amendments to enactments relating to form of enterprise, companies, electronic transactions, insurance, trusts, etc
Covers six low tax jurisdictions: Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Mauritius and Monaco
Dedicated chapter explaining the overall impact of the European Union on direct and indirect tax systems in Member States
Updated to include the latest legislation, case law, tax treaties, information exchange agreements and new principles
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Weitere Infos & Material

Case Study – Polycon Lens Story. Europe: EU Law; Austria; Belgium; Cyprus; France; Germany; Ireland; Italy; Luxembourg; Malta; Netherlands; Spain; Switzerland; United Kingdom. North & South America: Brazil; Canada; United States. Asia: Australia; China; Hong Kong; India; Singapore. Eastern Europe, Middle East: Israel; Russia; Ukraine. Low Tax Countries: Gibraltar; Guernsey; Isle of Man;Jersey; Mauritius; Monaco.

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