Schlusemann / Blom / Richter | Top Ten Fictional Narratives in Early Modern Europe | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 429 Seiten

Schlusemann / Blom / Richter Top Ten Fictional Narratives in Early Modern Europe

Translation, Dissemination and Mediality

E-Book, Englisch, 429 Seiten

ISBN: 978-3-11-076451-2
Verlag: De Gruyter
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

This volume examines the ten most popular fictional narratives in early modern Europe between 1470 and 1800. Each of these narratives was marketed in numerous European languages and circulated throughout several centuries. Combining literary studies and book history, this work offers for the first time a transnational perspective on a selected text corpus of this genre. It explores the spatio-temporal transmission of the texts in different languages and the materiality of the editions: the narratives were bought, sold, read, translated and adapted across European borders, from the south of Spain to Iceland and from Great Britain to Poland. Thus, the study analyses the multi-faceted processes of cultural circulation, translation and adaptation of the texts. In their diverse forms of mediality such as romance, drama, ballad and penny prints, they also make a significant contribution to a European identity in the early modern period. The narrative texts examined here include Apollonius, Septem sapientum, Amadis de Gaula, Fortunatus, Pierre de Provence et la belle Maguelonne, Melusine, Griseldis, Aesopus’ Life and Fables, Reynaert de vos and Till Ulenspiegel.
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Rita Schlusemann
, Freie Universität zu Berlin;
Helwi Blom
, Universität Utrecht, Niederlande;
Anna Katharina Richter
, Universität Zürich, Schweiz;
, Universität Warschau, Polen.

Rita Schlusemann, Freie Universität zu Berlin; Helwi Blom, Universität Utrecht, Niederlande; Anna Katharina Richter, Universität Zürich, Schweiz; Krystyna Wierzbicka-Trwoga, Universität Warschau, Polen.

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