Schroeder | FAIL FAST OR WIN BIG | Buch | 978-0-8144-3478-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 192 Seiten, Format (B × H): 62 mm x 92 mm



Buch, Englisch, 192 Seiten, Format (B × H): 62 mm x 92 mm

ISBN: 978-0-8144-3478-9
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education Ltd

Entrepreneurs have long been taught that to be successful,they need to spend months perfecting a business plan andfinding investors before they can finally launch their business. But with the marketplace changing at lightning speed, this notion is not only outdated - it’s costly.There’s no point to building a business in a bubble. Today’s entrepreneurs must embrace the idea of “failing fast.” They need to connect with real customers and determine quickly whether their idea is worth pursuing, needs new direction, or should be abandoned altogether. Fail Fast or Win Big shows entrepreneurs how to: - Create a rapid prototype of their product or service - Develop a business model instead of a business plan - Test it repeatedly with customers so they can spot failure early - Continue to refine the model based on customer interactions - Leverage their network and resources in order torun leanThe longer it takes to launch a company, the more changes there will have been in the market place. Featuring real-life examples of entrepreneurs who set out to fail fast and ended up winning big, this ground breaking guide reveals how the right kind of risk can really pay off.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Contents Introduction: Why Today's Entrepreneurs Need to Read This Book 1 1 The End of Business Plans 7 2 The New Way: The LeanModel Framework 17 3 Ideas Are Great but Business Models Rule 27 4 Lean Resources: Less Is More 51 5 Rapid Prototyping, Right Now 69 6 The Whole Customer Truth 85 7 Entrepreneurs Have a New Investor: The Crowd 105 8 Opportunity Is Here and Everywhere 123 9 Entrepreneurs Who Tried to Fail Fast and Won Big 143 10 If You Want to Be an Entrepreneur, Be One 167 Recommended Reading 181 Index 185 About the Author 197

Bernhard Schroeder is a director at the prestigious Lavin Entrepreneurship Center at San Diego State University. Previously a senior partner at CKS Partners, the world’s largest integrated marketing communications agency, he has served as a marketing and brand expert for successful start-ups such as Amazon and Yahoo as well as Fortune 100 firms such as Apple, Nike, Kellogg’s, GM, and American Express.

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