Scullion / Guest | Study Skills for Nursing and Midwifery Students | Buch | 978-0-335-23393-9 |

Buch, Englisch

Scullion / Guest

Study Skills for Nursing and Midwifery Students

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23393-9
Verlag: Open University Press

".this is the only book I have come across that gives consideration to student midwives. There are many study skills books available for nursing students, and although this book is aimed at both, it does take into account the differences between the two professions.this is a useful book which delves deeper than its cover would suggest."

MIDIRS Midwifery Digest

This book is an essential course companion for nursing and midwifery students at degree and diploma level, as well as those returning to study.

It covers key skills and knowledge needed, such as:

- Study strategies

- Reflective practice

- Critical thinking

- Evidence-based research

- Exam techniques

- Literature searching

- How to succeed in assessments

Lively and accessible, the book includes bullet points and exercises that will enhance reader efficiency in learning.

The book also has an accompanying website,, that is written specifically for this market, and includes tips on:

- Writing CVs and covering letters

- Finding a good job

- Interview skills

- Continuing professional development (CPD) for nurses and midwives

- Career progression

Study Skills for Nursing and Midwifery Students has been carefully structured to be used throughout a nursing career: It is key reading for new students in midwifery and all fields of nursing, as well as qualified staff who aim to enhance their professional development.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Series editor’s preface vii

Part 1 The student nurse and midwife as a novice learner

1 Engaging with university learning 3

2 Taking control of yourself: nurses and midwives as learners 21

3 Making information work for nursing and midwifery students 36

Part 2 Beginning to develop effective study skills

4 Strategies for successful learning in nursing and midwifery 57

5 Reflective learning in clinical practice 78

Part 3 Becoming competent: advanced learning for nursing and midwifery students

6 Literature searching skills for midwives and nurses 101

7 Proficient use of evidence and research to support nursing and midwifery 120

Part 4 Demonstrating proficiency through assessment

8 Critical analysis and higher-level skills for nurses and midwives 145

9 Coping with examinations and assessments 161

Part 5 Expertise for success: the lifelong learner in nursing and midwifery

10 Career pathways in nursing and midwifery 183

11 Lifelong learning organizations and CPD to sustain your

professional practice 190

References 209

Glossary 216

Index 219

Philip Scullion is based at Coventry University and has over twenty years of experience teaching a range of undergraduate and postgraduate students including those in the fields of nursing, midwifery and paramedic sciences.

David Guest is the Nursing and Midwifery Subject Librarian at Coventry University. He has developed numerous teaching and learning programmes to support students in information retrieval skills, efficient use of library facilities and advanced literature searching and evaluation skills.

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