SELL W/A STORY | Buch | 978-0-8144-3711-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Format (B × H): 64 mm x 92 mm


Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Format (B × H): 64 mm x 92 mm

ISBN: 978-0-8144-3711-7

“I love it! Stories. allow for a real connection with the customer. And Sell with a Story is THE book to teach you how to do that.” — Gary Cofer, Chief Commercial Officer, GfK North America “Paul Smith has done it once again! Sell with a Story is a practical and useful resource for anybody selling anything!” — Mike Parrott, Vice President/GMM, Costco Wholesale “Paul Smith's book Sell with a Story is simply the most comprehensive book ever written on the science and the art of using authentic stories in the sales process.” — Anthony Mullen, CEO, the Advanced Sales Summit “This book will change the way you sell by being able to use stories to close bigger deals. With 24 styles discussed in the book you’ll find more than a few that will make you money!” — Mark Hunter, author of High-Profit Selling and High-Profit Prospecting “A must read for anyone who wants to captivate attention and win business.” — Lisa McLeod, sales consultant and author of Selling with a Noble Purpose “Incredibly insightful and practical beyond words. a must read for anyone who wants to be more persuasive.” — Dr. Jeffrey Docking, President, Adrian College “This book is a game changer!. a must read, and essential to taking your sales skills to the next level.” — Michael Miller, President and CEO of Primo Solutions, LLC and author of Selling at Combat Speed and Stop Selling and Start Caring “Paul's book, Sell with a Story, unlocks the secrets of a great story, and here he gives us a great gift. Get this book and tell your story!” — Craig Wortmann, CEO of Sales Engine Inc., Clinical Professor of Entrepreneurship at University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and author of What’s Your Story? “Sell with a Story is a MUST READ. It’s THE book to show you how to craft memorable, compelling, and honest sales stories that will get more sales closed.” — Colleen Francis, author of Honesty Sells and Nonstop Sales Boom “As a salesperson, you will finally get what storytelling is, and how to use it to create transfer of ownership and shorten the sale.” — Skip Miller, author of ProActive Selling “Anyone who thinks that storytelling can’t be learned hasn’t read this book.” — Logan Strain, Digital Content Specialist, NextGen Leads “Sell with a Story is both wise and practical and, as you would expect, full of great stories. Paul Smith gives us what is sure to be another best seller.” — Shawn Callahan, author of Putting Stories to Work Despite all the high-tech tools available to salespeople, the most personal method still works best. Storytelling packs an emotional punch that turns routine presentations into productive relationships. It brings products and services to life in ways that customers remember; it connects people and creates momentum. Paul Smith, author of the acclaimed Lead with a Story, shifts his best-selling formula from leadership to the sales arena. In Sell with a Story, he identifies the ingredients of the most effective sales stories and reveals how to: • Develop compelling and memorable narratives • Incorporate challenge, conflict, and resolution into your stories • Select the right story for every occasion: to introduce yourself, build rapport, address objections, add value, enliven data, create a sense of urgency, and more
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