Serrado | The Discovery of Anxiousness | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 276 Seiten, Format (B × H): 148 mm x 225 mm

Reihe: Studien der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft

Serrado The Discovery of Anxiousness

Philosophy and Mysticism in Baroque Portugal

E-Book, Englisch, 276 Seiten, Format (B × H): 148 mm x 225 mm

Reihe: Studien der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft

ISBN: 978-3-8394-6532-5
Verlag: transcript
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark

Are anxiety or dread negative stages before freedom, a confrontation with humans' own mortality and finitude? Joana Serrado inaugurates anxiousness as a category of mystical knowledge in this innovative historical and philosophical study. Based on the life and mystical writings of Joana de Jesus, a Cistercian nun, intellectual disciple of Teresa of Avila, this study shows the cultural embeddedness of anxiousness: a feeling akin to the Portuguese term 'saudade' (yearning, Sehnsucht). A mystical project that reshapes feminist principles of autonomy, agency and desire.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Serrado, Joana
Joana Serrado, born in 1979, is an assistant professor at the Chair of Iberian Cultural Studies at the Technical University of Chemnitz. After studying philosophy, medieval studies and religion in Coimbra, Porto and Berlin, she completed her doctorate in the history of ideas and Christianity at the University of Groningen, funded by the Portuguese Research Council. Previous research posts include the Harvard Divinity School (Fulbright Fellow), the Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Oslo (Yggdrasyl doctorate fellow), the University of Oxford (Gordon Millburn Junior Research Fellow in Mysticism and religious Experience) and the Leibniz Institute of European History in Mainz.

Joana Serrado, born in 1979, works in Chemnitz as an assistant professor at the Chair of Iberian Cultural Studies. After studying philosophy, medieval studies and religion in Coimbra, Porto, Berlin and Groningen, she held fellowships at Harvard as Fulbrighter, Oslo as Ygdrasyl, Gordon Miulburn Junior Research fellow in Mysticism and Leibniz Postdoctoral Fellow at Leibniz Institut IEG Mainz.

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