Shared Waters | Buch | 978-90-420-2766-4 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 118, 412 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 816 g

Reihe: Cross/Cultures

Shared Waters

Soundings in Postcolonial Literatures

Buch, Englisch, Band 118, 412 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 816 g

Reihe: Cross/Cultures

ISBN: 978-90-420-2766-4
Verlag: Brill | Rodopi

The present volume contains general essays on: unequal African/Western academic exchange; the state and structure of postcolonial studies; representing male violence in Zimbabwe’s wars; parihaka in the poetic imagination of Aotearoa New Zealand; Middle Eastern, Nigerian, Moroccan, and diasporic Indian women’s writing; community in post-Independence Maltese poetry in English; key novels of the Portuguese colonies; the TV series The Kumars at No. 42; fictional representations of India; the North in western Canadian writing; and a pedagogy of African-Canadian literature. As well as these, there is a selection of poems from Malta by Daniel Massa, Adrian Grima, Norbert Bugeja, Immanuel Mifsud, and Maria Grech Ganado, and essays providing close readings of works by the following authors and filmmakers: Thea Astley, George Elliott Clarke, Alan Duff, Francis Ebejer, Lorena Gale, Romesh Gunesekera, Sahar Khalifah, Anthony Minghella, Michael Ondaatje, Caryl Phillips, Edgar Allan Poe, Salman Rushdie, Ghadah al-Samman, Meera Syal, Lee Tamahori.
Contributors: Leila Abouzeid, Hoda Barakat, Amrit Biswas, Thomas Bonnici, Stella Borg Barthet, Ivan Callus, Devon Campbell–Hall, Saviour Catania, George Elliott Clarke, Brian Crow, Pilar Cuder–Domínguez, Bärbel Czennia, Hilary P. Dannenberg, Pauline Dodgson–Katiyo, Bernadette Falzon, Daphne Grace, Adrian Grima, Kifah Hanna, Janne Korkka, T. Vijay Kumar, Chantal Kwast–Greff, Maureen Lynch Pèrcopo, Kevin Stephen Magri, Isabel Moutinho, Melanie A. Murray, Taiwo Oloruntoba–Oju, Gerhard Stilz, Jesús Varela Zapata, Christine Vogt–William.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction and Acknowledgements
Projecting Postcolonialism
Hoda Barakat: Exchanging – Sharing Our Places; translated from French by Carmen Depasquale
Brian Crow: Exclusion and the Intellectuals: Some Thoughts on Unequal Academic Exchange Between Africa and the West
Jesús Varela Zapata: What Lies Ahead: Consolidation and Diversity in Postcolonial Studies
Daphne Grace: Beyond Revolution: Re-Writing Violence and the Future of Postcolonial Studies
War and Remembrance
Gerhard Stilz: Territorial Terrors: Colonial Spaces and Postcolonial Revisions
Pauline Dodgson–Katiyo: In the Enemy’s Camp: Women Representing Male Violence in Zimbabwe’s Wars
Chantal Kwast–Greff: Shared Place and Maimed Bodies: Flesh of the Past, Soul of the Future (or Vice-Versa) in Once Were Warriors
Bärbel Czennia: Historical Trauma, lieu de mémoire, Source of Collective Renewal: Parihaka in the Poetic Imagination of Aotearoa New Zealand
Writing Women
Leila Abouzeid: Becoming a Writer in Morocco
Kifah Hanna: Middle Eastern Women’s Roles Transformed: The Gendered Spaces of Ghadah al-Samman and Sahar Khalifah
Bernadette Falzon: Going Through Twentieth-Century Malta in the Company of Francis Ebejer’s Heroines
Taiwo Oloruntoba–Oju: Aesthetic (Dis)Continuities in the African Gendered Space: The Example of Younger Nigerian Women’s Writing
Christine Vogt–William: Smells, Skins, and Spices: Indian Spice Shops as Gendered Diasporic Spaces in the Novels of Indian Women Writers of the Diaspora
Maureen Lynch Pèrcopo: Generational Change: Women and Writing in the Novels of Thea Astley
Islands and the Sea
Daniel Massa, Adrian Grima, Maria Grech Ganado, Immanuel Mifsud, Norbert Bugeja: Poems from Malta
Stella Borg Barthet: Currents and Swells in Maltese Identity: Representations of Community in Maltese Poetry in English Since Independence
Kevin Stephen Magri: Finding Nemo: Puzzling Maltese Identity in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”
Melanie A. Murray: The Sea and the Erosion of Cultural Identity in Romesh Gunesekera’s Reef
Saviour Catania and Ivan Callus: The Otherless Other, or The Anonymity of Water: Unmapping Ondaatje’s ‘Sand Sea’ Self in Minghella’s The English Patient
Isabel Moutinho: The Sea and the Changing Nature of Cultural Identity
Thomas Bonnici: Diaspora in Caryl Phillips’s Crossing the River (1993)
Adrian Grima: “They are us”: Interview with Caryl Phillips
Shared Spaces
Hilary P. Dannenberg: Sharing Media Spaces: The Kumars at No. 42
Devon Campbell–Hall: Writing Second-Generation Migrant Identity in Meera Syal’s Fiction
Amrit Biswas: Is ‘Sharing Places’ Viable in a Postmodern World Order? Salman Rushdie’s Novel The Ground Beneath Her Feet
T. Vijay Kumar: Sharing Nation Space: Representations of India
Janne Korkka: Exploring Boundaries: The North in Western Canadian Writing
Pilar Cuder–Domínguez: Sharing Quebec: Lorena Gale’s Je me souviens and George Elliott Clarke’s Quebecité
George Elliott Clarke: Towards a Pedagogy of African-Canadian Literature
Notes on Contributors

Stella Borg Barthet is Senior Lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Malta. She is the author of papers and book chapters, mostly on Maltese, Australian, and African fiction. Her current research interests include North African and African-American writing.

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