Shattock | Entrepreneurialism in Universities and the Knowledge Economy | Buch | 978-0-335-23769-2 |

Buch, Englisch


Entrepreneurialism in Universities and the Knowledge Economy

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23769-2
Verlag: Open University Press

- How entrepreneurial are European universities? Perhaps more than is generally realised.

- What are the factors that encourage entrepreneurialism to flourish in research, technology transfer, teaching, regional engagement and internationalization?

- How do different kinds of HEIs -, comprehensive, specialist, regional or private -, address these issues?

- What are the conditions which stimulate or inhibit the “academic intrapreneur”? And in what forms does entrepreneurialism contribute to the knowledge economy?

This book, which is the product of a major EU funded research programme and is based on twenty-seven institutional case studies, attempts to offer answers to these questions through a series of cross national thematic studies. It considers how national systemic characteristics in financial arrangements, human resource management and institutional governance impact on entrepreneurialism and suggests ways in which individual initiative can be released and universities freed up to make their contribution to the EU Lisbon Strategy.
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of case studies

List of abbreviations

Lists of tables, figures and charts


Michael Shattock

1.Entrepreneurialism and organisational change in higher education

Michael Shattock

2.Finance and entrepreneurial activity in higher education in a knowledge society

Gareth Williams

3.Research, technology and knowledge transfer

Michael Shattock

4. Teaching and learning: an entrepreneurial perspective

Paul Temple

5. Human resource management and the generation of entrepreneurialism

Michael Shattock

6. Governance, organisational change, and entrepreneurialism

Jose-Gines Mora and Maria-Jose Vieira

7. Entrepreneurialism and Private Universities

Marek Kwiek

8. Entrepreneurialism and the internationalisation of higher education in a knowledge economy

Raphaelle Martinez in collaboration with Igor Kitaev

9. Impediments, inhibitors and barriers to university entrepreneurialism

Bruce Henry Lambert

10. The dilemmas of the changing university

Risto Rinne and Jenni Koivula

11. Entrepreneurialism and the knowledge economy in Europe: some conclusions from the study

Michael Shattock

Appendix: A statistical overview

Gareth Williams

Michael Shattock is a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Education, University of London and was leader of the EUEREK project on which this book is based. He has published widely in higher education: his most recent books are Managing Successful Universities (Open University Press, 2003) and Managing Good Governance in Higher Education (Open University Press, 2006).

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