Shattock | Managing Successful Universities | Buch | 978-0-335-22783-9 |

Buch, Englisch


Managing Successful Universities

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22783-9
Verlag: Open University Press

"Michael Shattock is the master craftsman of sturdy self-change. His liberating lessons will be useful not only in Britain but around the world."

Professor Burton R. Clark, University of California, Los Angeles

“What do we mean by a successful university? How is such success measured? Are our criteria for success consistent with maintaining and enhancing diversity of mission? How can decline be avoided and failure redressed? And what forms of university management are most appropriate to stimulating success?

Few people are better qualified by experience and by scholarship to ask and to answer such questions than Michael Shattock.

.this important new book strengthens the argument for seeing good management as a necessary condition for effective and worthwhile teaching, learning and research, and its neglect as a serious threat to core academic values.”

Professor Sir William Taylor, Former Director, University of London Institute of Education

"Michael Shattock is without doubt Britain's leading authority on the dangerously neglected subject of university management…For some his book will not make comfortable reading."

Professor Geoffrey Alderman, Vice-President, American InterContinental University, London

This book defines good management in a university context and how it can contribute to university success. It emphasizes the holistic characteristics of university management, the need to be outward looking and entrepreneurial in management style, the importance of maintaining a strong academic/administrative partnership and a continuous dialogue between the centre and academic departments, and the preservation of a self-directed institutional autonomy. It draws on the literature of management in the private sector as well as from higher education, and from the experience of the author. Managing Successful Universities demonstrates how successful universities utilise the market to reinforce academic excellence.
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Weitere Infos & Material


What are the characteristics of a successful university?

Strategic management in universities

Managing university finance

The academic context: Organization, collegiality and leadership

Good governance

Extending the boundaries

Building an image, establishing a reputation


Inhibitions to becoming entrepreneurial

Turning round failure or arresting decline

Managing universities for success




Michael Shattock is a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Education, University of London and Joint Director of the new MBA in higher education management. He was previously Registrar of the University of Warwick. He has published widely in higher education and is well known both as a successful manager in higher education and for his high profile inquiries into institutional governance and management issues.

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