Shattock | Managing Successful Universities | Buch | 978-0-335-24045-6 |

Buch, Englisch


Managing Successful Universities

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-24045-6
Verlag: Open University Press

"There is no truer text to the topic than Managing Successful Universities. The second edition is a full revision in which globalisation, managing financial disjuncture and the enhancement of research performance all loom larger than before. Like its predecessor this book will be used throughout the English speaking world and beyond."

Professor Simon Marginson, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne

"[This] is the manual par excellence for modern university leadership and management. In my role as a business school dean, it is by far the most useful single book I have ever read - and continue to read."

Professor Mark Taylor, Dean, Warwick Business School,

University of Warwick

"When I began my career in university management, there was just one book on managing UK universities. Now there must be twenty or thirty but none is as comprehensive, authoritative, readable, and important as Shattock's Managing Successful Universities. Read this valuable book and learn much from it!"

David Palfreyman, Director of OXCHEPS and Bursar, New College,

University of Oxford

This bestselling book defines good management in a university context and how it can contribute to university success. Extensively updated to reflect political, financial and social developments since the first edition, it includes a new chapter on the management of teaching and research and gives in-depth coverage to managing retrenchment and the importance of human resource management. Drawing on the literature of management in the private sector as well as from higher education and on the experience of the author it emphasizes:

- The holistic characteristics of university management

- The need to be outward looking and entrepreneurial in management style, and

- The ways successful universities utilize the market to reinforce academic excellence
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Weitere Infos & Material



What are the characteristics of a successful university?

Strategic management in universities

Managing university finance

The academic context: Organization, collegiality and leadership

Managing the core business

Good governance

Extending the boundaries

Building an image, establishing a reputation


Inhibitions to becoming entrepreneurial

Turning round failure, arresting decline, managing retrenchment

Managing universities for success




The Society for Research into Higher Education

Michael Shattock is a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Education, University of London. He has published widely in higher education: his most recent books for Open University Press are Managing Good Governance in Higher Education (2006) and Entrepreneurialism in Universities and the Knowledge Economy (2008).

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