Shaw | Quill of the Dove | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch

Shaw Quill of the Dove

E-Book, Englisch

ISBN: 978-1-77183-379-0
Verlag: Guernica Editions Inc
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

French journalist Marc Taragon is at the apex of his career in 2007. A tenacious idealist, Taragon has spent the last thirty years attempting to bring to readers the truths about the wars and political intrigues of the region. He is unsparing in his criticism of extremists and has earned many enemies. He agrees to be interviewed in Cyprus, by a young Canadian journalist, Marie Boivin, not knowing that Marie has a hidden agenda: to discover through Taragon the truth about her childhood.
Before Marie finds the answers she seeks, she is enmeshed in Taragon's plan to broker peace negotiations between a left-wing Israeli politician and a dissident Palestinian leader. Taragon succeeds in persuading the two adversaries to agree to an ambitious peace plan. The action then moves quickly through Europe and the Middle East as Taragon and his associates try to stay one step ahead of deadly opponents of their initiative.
Parallel to the main plot is the narrative of Taragon's early years as a journalist in war-torn Lebanon, his bonds to his partners in the peace initiative and Marie Boivin's tragic childhood.
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Shaw, Ian Thomas
Ian Thomas Shaw was born in Vancouver, British Columbia. For the last 33 years, he has worked as a diplomat and as an international development worker, living in Africa, the Middle East and Europe. He currently lives in Aylmer, Quebec. He is the founder of Deux Voiliers Publishing, the Prose in the Park Literary Festival and the Ottawa Review of Books. Quill of the Dove is his second novel.

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