Sherman | Q: Skills for Success: Intro Level: Listening and Speaking Teacher's Handbook with Teacher's Access Card | Medienkombination | 978-0-19-499912-0 |

Medienkombination, Englisch, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 296 mm, Gewicht: 248 g


Q: Skills for Success: Intro Level: Listening and Speaking Teacher's Handbook with Teacher's Access Card

Medienkombination, Englisch, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 296 mm, Gewicht: 248 g

ISBN: 978-0-19-499912-0
Verlag: Oxford University Press

iQ Online Practice extends learning beyond the classroom and is now suitable for mobile devices, giving students and teachers more freedom to access audio and video, and practice activities wherever they are. Access to all course material including audio and video, scripts, teaching notes, answers keys, discussion board and professional development essays. NEW professional development essays on the critical thinking skills, assessment for learning and video add to the learning
opportunities available in the Teacher Resources. 100% NEW unit, placement, midterm and final tests have been developed with feedback from real teachers. Show the Student Book on screen during lessons and play audio and video at the touch of a button with the Classroom Presentation Tool. Access your
Classroom Presentation Tool online on a computer, on desktop apps for Windows, Mac and Linux, and on an iPad or Android tablet
Sherman Q: Skills for Success: Intro Level: Listening and Speaking Teacher's Handbook with Teacher's Access Card jetzt bestellen!


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