Shieh / Djordjevic | OFDM for Optical Communications | Buch | 978-0-12-374879-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 456 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 1110 g

Shieh / Djordjevic

OFDM for Optical Communications

Buch, Englisch, 456 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 1110 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-374879-9
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

- The first book on optical OFDM by the leading pioneers in the field
- The only book to cover error correction codes for optical OFDM
- Gives applications of OFDM to free-space communications, optical access networks, and metro and log haul transports show optical OFDM can be implemented
- Contains introductions to signal processing for optical engineers and optical communication fundamentals for wireless engineers

This book gives a coherent and comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of OFDM signal processing, with a distinctive focus on its broad range of applications. It evaluates the architecture, design and performance of a number of OFDM variations, discusses coded OFDM, and gives a detailed study of error correction codes for access networks, 100 Gb/s Ethernet and future optical networks.

The emerging applications of optical OFDM, including single-mode fiber transmission, multimode fiber transmission, free space optical systems, and optical access networks are examined, with particular attention paid to passive optical networks, radio-over-fiber, WiMAX and UWB communications.

Written by two of the leading contributors to the field, this book will be a unique reference for optical communications engineers and scientists. Students, technical managers and telecom executives seeking to understand this new technology for future-generation optical networks will find the book invaluable.

William Shieh is an associate professor and reader in the electrical and electronic engineering department, The University of Melbourne, Australia. He received his M.S. degree in electrical engineering and Ph.D. degree in physics both from University of Southern California.

Ivan Djordjevic is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Arizona, Tucson, where he directs the Optical Communications Systems Laboratory (OCSL). His current research interests include optical networks, error control coding, constrained coding, coded modulation, turbo equalization, OFDM applications, and quantum error correction.

"This wonderful book is the first one to address the rapidly emerging optical OFDM field.  Written by  two leading researchers in the field, the book is structured to comprehensively cover  any optical OFDM aspect one could possibly think of, from the most  fundamental  to the most specialized. The book adopts a coherent line of presentation, while striking a thoughtful balance between the various topics, gradually developing the optical-physics and communication-theoretic concepts required for deep comprehension of the topic, eventually treating the multiple optical OFDM methods, variations and applications. In my view this book will remain relevant for many years to come, and will be increasingly accessed by graduate students, accomplished researchers as well as telecommunication engineers and managers keen to attain a perspective on the emerging role of OFDM in the evolution of photonic networks." -- Prof. Moshe Nazarathy, EE Dept., Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
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R&D optical communications engineers developing next generation optical components, systems and networks; wireless and signal processing engineers working in optical communications; graduates and academic researchers.

Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction; OFDM Principles; Optical Communication Fundamentals; Signal Processing for Optical OFDM; Polarization Effects in Optical Fiber; Coding for Optical OFDM Systems; Various Types of Optical OFDM; Spectrally Efficient High-Speed Coherent OFDM System; OFDM for Multimode Fiber Systems; OFDM in Free-Space Optical Communication Systems; OFDM Applications in Access Optical Networks; Future Research Directions

Djordjevic, Ivan B.
Ivan B. Djordjevic is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Optical Sciences, Director of the Optical Communications Systems Laboratory and the Quantum Communications Laboratory, and co-Director of the Signal Processing and Coding Lab at the University of Arizona. He is a fellow of IEEE and the Optical Society. Prof. Djordjevic has authored or co-authored seven books and more than 530 journal and conference publications. He presently serves as a Senior Editor and member of the Editorial Board on the OSA/IEEE Journal of Optical Communications and Networking; the IOP Journal of Optics; IEEE Communications Letters; the Elsevier Physical Communication Journal, PHYCOM; Optical and Quantum Electronics; and Frequenz. As of August 2020, he holds 53 U.S. patents.

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