Smartt | BSBFLM404A Lead Work Teams: BSS Business Services Series | Buch | 978-0-07-471265-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 82 mm x 116 mm


BSBFLM404A Lead Work Teams: BSS Business Services Series

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 82 mm x 116 mm

ISBN: 978-0-07-471265-8
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter details for the seven Business Services Series Workbooks include:

Lead Work Teams (BSBFLM404A):Chapter 1: Participate in Team Planning (BSBFLM404A/01)Chapter 2: Develop Team Commitment and Cooperation (BSBFLM404A/02)Chapter 3: Manage and Develop Team Performance (BSBFLM404A/03)Chapter 4: Participate in and Facilitate the Work Team (BSBFLM404A/04)
Coordinate Implementation of Customer Service Strategies (BSBCMN410A): Chapter 1: Advise on Customer Service Needs (BSBCMN410A/01)Chapter 2: Support Implementation of Customer Service Strategies (BSBCMN410A/02)Chapter 3: Evaluate and Report on Customer Service (BSBCMN410A/03)
Develop Teams and Individuals (BSBCMN404A):Chapter 1: Determine Development Needs (BSBCMN404A/01)Chapter 2:Develop Individuals and Teams (BSBCMN404A/02)Chapter 3: Monitor and Evaluate Workplace Learning (BSBCMN404A/03)
Develop Work Priorities (BSBCMN402A):Chapter 1: Plan and Complete Own Work Schedule (BSBCMN402A/01)Chapter 2: Monitor Own Work Performance (BSBCMN402A/02)Chapter 3: Coordinate Professional Development (BSBCMN402A/03)Manage Effective Workplace: Relationships (BSBFLM403A): Chapter 1: Gather, Convey and Receive Information and Ideas (BSBFLM403A/01)Chapter 2: Develop Trust and Confidence (BSBFLM403A/02)Chapter 3: Build and Maintain Networks and Relationships (BSBFLM403A/03)Chapter 4: Manage Difficulties to Achieve Positive Outcomes (BSBFLM403A/04)
Recruit and Select Personnel (BSBHR402A):Chapter 1: Maintain Personnel Needs (BSBHR402A/01)Chapter 2: Determine Job Specifications (BSBHR402A/02)Chapter 3: Recruit Staff (BSBHR402A/03)Chapter 4: Assess and Select Applicants (BSBHR402A/04)
Coming Soon:

Promote Innovation and Change (BSBCMN412A):Chapter 1: Identify and Develop Opportunities for Improved Work Practices (BSBCMN412A/01)Chapter 2: Lead Team to Foster Innovative Work Practices (BSBCMN412A/02)Chapter 3: Facilitate Commitment to Workplace Change (BSBCMN412A/03)

Smartt, John
John Smartt has been teaching leaders to lead for more than 25 years. He has headed the learning and organisation development functions nationally for the Fairfax group of companies, Ernst and Young and Zurich Insurance, worked for numerous other organisations, and has run his own consulting practice for the past seven years. In addition to Lead Work Teams, he is the author of Effective Ineptitude: The Secrets of Corporate Climbing (McGraw Hill, 1998) and co-author of Managing Group Problem Solving and Decision Making (McGraw Hill, 1995). He has also written numerous articles on management in The Australian Financial Review, Training and Development in Australia, HRM Monthly and Business Class Magazine. He was an invited speaker at the inaugural Australian Conference of Management Researchers at the Australian Graduate School of Management and has been invited a number of times to speak at Sydney meetings of the International Society for Performance Improvement.

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