Smilek / Sinnett / Kingstone | Cognition, 5e, & Discovery Labs | Buch | 978-0-19-901077-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 512 Seiten, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 263 mm, Gewicht: 1166 g

Smilek / Sinnett / Kingstone

Cognition, 5e, & Discovery Labs

Buch, Englisch, 512 Seiten, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 263 mm, Gewicht: 1166 g

ISBN: 978-0-19-901077-6
Verlag: Oxford University Press

Cognition, 5e, is a comprehensive introduction to the field of cognitive psychology examining the mental processes behind how we come to know about the world in which we live. Covering a wide range of topics such as perception, memory, attention, and language, and the common cognitive disorders associated with each, Cognition applies real-life examples to key theories in order to create an accessible yet comprehensive primer to the field.

This new edition features relevant case studies to open and close each chapter and a full ancillary suite, including an online Discovery Lab to test or demonstrate the text's key theories.
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Cognition, 5e, is a core text intended for second- and third-year courses in cognitive psychology at the university level

Weitere Infos & Material

Daniel Smilek is an associate professor at the University of Waterloo. He is also actively involved in new cognitive research related to perception, language, and memory. In addition to Cognition, Dan has previously written for Oxford UK, having contributed a chapter to the Oxford Companion to Consciousness.

Scott Sinnett is an assistant professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. His research focuses on attention and perception in both applied and laboratory settings. He teaches a number of courses ranging from introductory psychology to upper-year courses in cognitive psychology.

Alan Kingstone is a professor at the University of British Columbia. Alan is an associate editor of the British Journal of Psychology and commonly teaches upper-year courses in cognitive neuroscience and brain and behaviour in addition to running the neuroscience lab at UBC.

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