Dr. Sayavur I. Bakhtiyarov is a Professor at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (Socorro, NM, U.S.) and a Fulbright Fellow. Dr. Bakhtiyarov obtained his Ph.D. from the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1978, and a D.Sc. from the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in 1992. His areas of expertise are: multiphase flows, nanotechnology, nonlinear fluid mechanics, tribology, rheology, and self-healing composites. Dr. Bakhtiyarov has taught engineering courses for over four decades in several countries (Azerbaijan, Russia, China, UK, Turkey, U.S.). Dr. Bakhtiyarov has authored 350 scientific publications in refereed scholarly journals, books, international conferences and symposia proceedings, and holds 14 patents. Furthermore, Dr. Bakhtiyarov was elected as a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and International Ecoenergy Academy. He served as a Program Director of U.S. DOE and NASA research projects, and INSRP U.S. DOD coordinator for NASA's Mars Science Lab mission. Dr. Bakhtiyarov is a lead organizer of the ASME annual symposia and forums, Editor-in-Chief of two international journals, Mechanics and Solids (IJM&S) and Manufacturing Science and Technology (IJMS&T), and an Editorial Board Member of i-manager's Journal on Engineering and Technology (IJET), Mathematics Applied in Science and Technology (MAST), International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids (IJDF), and Far-East Journal of Mathematics (FEJM).