St Leger / Walsworth-Bell | Change-Promoting Research for Health Services | Buch | 978-0-335-23138-6 |

Buch, Englisch

St Leger / Walsworth-Bell

Change-Promoting Research for Health Services

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23138-6
Verlag: Open University Press

Health services globally are changing, strategically, structurally and clinically. Research and Development (R&D) plays a key role, because only good research can elucidate and challenge the status quo or future possibilities for effective health care.

Researchers and managers have a duty to collaborate with clinicians, to understand and make the most of each others' skills. This necessitates a new paradigm of health service research which is part of a change management culture and change promotion. A clear philosophical and practical distinction is required between R&D and fundamental biomedical science.

This book has been written for people who make decisions and bring about change, at all sorts of levels, and in a wide range of disciplines. They include clinicians in many specialities, as well as administrative staff, and general managers of healthcare organizations. It is also for people doing, or wanting to do, research and development in this fascinating area.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part one: Background and rationale
Research and development in a changing health service
The new paradigm
Part two: Commissioning research
an overview
Putting commissioning into practice
Part three: Doing and using research
Doing research
Using research
Further reading

Selwyn St Leger is Consultant/Senior Lecturer in Public Health Medicine at Manchester Health Authority and the University of Manchester. He is R&D Lead for the health authority and also works closely with the R&D Directorate of the NHSE (North West). Previously he was employed as a member of scientific staff by the Medical Research Council.

Jo Walsworth-Bell was, until retiring in December 1998, Consultant in Public Health Medicine at South Stafford Health Authority. Previously she worked at the North West Regional Health Authority and held honorary appointments with the Universities of Manchester and Birmingham.

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