Switching to ArcGIS Pro from ArcMap | Buch | 978-1-58948-544-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 200 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 204 mm x 254 mm

Switching to ArcGIS Pro from ArcMap

Buch, Englisch, 200 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 204 mm x 254 mm

ISBN: 978-1-58948-544-0
Verlag: Esri Press

The arrival of ArcGIS Pro has brought a challenge to ArcMap users. The new software is sufficiently different in architecture and layout that some workflows must be revisited or modified. Current ArcMap users are pressed for time, trying to learn the new software while still completing their daily tasks, and they need a book that leverages their ArcMap knowledge to help them learn ArcGIS Pro quickly and efficiently.

Switching to ArcGIS Pro from ArcMap transitions a user who is familiar with ArcMap into the mechanics of using ArcGIS Pro. Rather than teaching ArcGIS Pro from the start, this book focuses on how ArcGIS Pro is different from ArcMap. Covering the most common and important workflows required for most GIS work, Switching to ArcGIS Pro from ArcMap leverages the user’s prior experience to enable a more rapid adjustment to ArcGIS Pro.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- About this book
- Who can use this book
- How to use this book
- Acknowledgements
- Data Sources
- 1 Contemplating the switch to Pro
- 1.1 Background
- 1.1.1 System requirements
- 1.1.2 Licensing
- 1.1.3 Capabilities of Pro
- 1.1.4 When should I switch?
- 1.2 Time to Explore: Starting Pro
- Objective 1.1: Download the data for these exercises
- Objective 1.2: Start ArcGIS Pro, sign in, create a project, and explore the interface.
- Objective 1.3: Access maps and data from ArcGIS Online
- Objective 1.4: Arrange the windows and panes
- Objective 1.5. Access the Help
- Objective 1.6. Import a map document
- 2 Unpacking the GUI
- 2.1 Background
- 2.1.1 Ribbons
- 2.1.2 Panes
- 2.2 Time to Explore
- Objective 2.1: Get familiar with the Contents pane
- Objective 2.2: Learn to work with objects and ribbons
- Objective 2.3: Explore the Catalog pane
- 3 The Project
- 3.1 Background
- 3.1.1 What is a project?
- 3.1.2 Items stored in a project
- 3.1.3 Pathnames in projects
- 3.1.4 Renaming projects
- 3.2 Time to Explore
- Objective 3.1: Explore different elements of a project
- Objective 3.2: Access properties of projects, maps, and other items
- 4 Navigating and exploring maps
- 4.1 Background
- 4.1.1 Exploring maps
- 4.1.2 2D and 3D navigation
- 4.2 Time to Explore
- Objective 4.1: Learn to use the Map ribbon tools
- Objective 4.2: Explore 3D scenes and link views
- 5 Symbolizing maps
- 5.1 Background
- 5.1.1 Accessing the symbol settings for layers
- 5.1.2 Accessing the labeling properties
- 5.1.3 Symbolizing rasters
- 5.2 Time to Explore
- Objective 5.1: Modify single symbols
- Objective 5.2: Create maps from attributes
- Objective 5.3: Create and manage labels
- Objective 5.4: Symbolize rasters
- 6 Geoprocessing
- 6.1 Background
- 6.2 Time to Explore
- Objective 6.1: Get familiar with the geoprocessing interface
- Objective 6.2: Learn to perform selections
- Objective 6.3: Practice geoprocessing
- 7 Tables
- 7.1 Background
- 7.1.1 General table characteristics
- 7.1.2 Joining and relating tables
- 7.1.3 Making charts
- 7.2 Time to Explore
- Objective 7.1. Manage table views
- Objective 7.2. Create and manage properties of a chart
- Objective 7.3: Calculate statistics for tables
- Objective 7.4: Calculate and edit in tables
- 8 Layouts
- 8.1 Background
- 8.1.1 Layouts and map frames
- 8.1.2 Layout editing procedures
- 8.1.3 Importing map documents and templates
- 8.2 Time to Explore
- Objective 8.1: Set up a layout page with map frames
- Objective 8.2: Create and format map elements
- 9 Managing data
- 9.1 Background
- 9.1.1 Data models
- 9.1.2 Managing the geodatabase schema
- 9.1.3 Creating domains
- 9.1.4 Managing data from diverse sources
- 9.1.5 Project longevity
- 9.1.6 Managing shared data for workgroups
- 9.2 Time to Explore
- Objective 9.1: Create a project and compile data for it
- Objective 9.2: Create and manage metadata
- Objective 9.3: Create fields and domains
- Objective 9.4: Modify the table schema
- Objective 9.5: Share data using ArcGIS Online
- 10 Editing
- 10.1 Background
- 10.1.1 Basic editing functions
- 10.1.2 Creating new features
- 10.1.3 Modifying existing features
- 10.1.4 Creating and editing annotation
- 10.2 Time to Explore
- Objective 10.1: Understand the editing tools in Pro
- Objective 10.2: Create new features
- Objective 10.3: Modify existing features
- Objective 10.4: Create and edit annotation
- 11 Moving forward

Maribeth H. Price, PhD, Professor of Geology and Dean of Graduate Education for the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, has been using Esri products since 1991, teaching college GIS since 1995 and writing textbooks using Esri software since 2001. She has extensive familiarity with both ArcMap/ArcCatalog and ArcGIS Pro, both as a user and in the classroom, as well as long experience writing about GIS concepts and developing software tutorials. She teaches GIS workshops, having offered more than 100 workshops to over 1,200 participants since 2000. In 2018, she taught seven one-day workshops on the theme of this book and has tested the draft book in three of them.

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