Talbot | Studying at a Distance | Buch | 978-0-335-23394-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch


Studying at a Distance

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23394-6
Verlag: Open University Press

Reviews of the first edition:

'More and more people are likely to experience distance learning in the future either by correspondence or e-learning. This book is written by an author who clearly has immense experience and expertise in supporting distance learners. It cannot fail to be a most useful and comprehensive introduction to the challenges of distance education to such learners. It will also be a very helpful guide to people writing and managing distance courses.'

Ormond Simpson, The Open University

'As a student with a professional background, rather than an academic one, this book provided all the basic information that my online course seemed to take for granted. The chapters dealing with research protocol, online resources and how to use the web efficiently were like a goldmine and saved hours.'

Masters Level Distance Learning Student

‘Undergraduate and [post]graduate students would benefit from this practical guide. Distance program administrators should include this guide for students in the initial program package.’

Journal of Distance Education

This essential guide provides practical help and encouragement for those who have not previously studied at a distance and is ideal for students returning to study after a break. This edition is significantly revised and has been updated to include comments from distance learning tutors as well as extracts from student handbooks from distance learning courses. It also covers fundamental issues such as:

- Motivation

- Goal setting

- Time management

- Coping strategies

- Study skills

- Conducting research

Other features of this new edition are comments and advice from former distance learning students, a comprehensive exploration of developments in e-learning and self-study activities that introduce the crucial element of active learning that is typical of studying at a distance.

Studying at a Distance is a key resource for undergraduates and postgraduates in all open and distance learning or e-learning courses.
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of figures





Preparing for distance learning

Know yourself as a learner

Practicalities of studying

Getting support


Resources for studying

Reading and note making

Essays and written examinations

Other forms of learning and assessment

Doing a research project

Further Resources



Christine Talbot is a freelance writer and editor. Formerly, she was Learning Development Officer at the University of Leeds, UK.

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