Taylor | Reflective Practice | Buch | 978-0-335-22802-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch


Reflective Practice

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22802-7
Verlag: Open University Press

- What is reflective practice?

- How can nurses and midwives improve their practice through reflection?

- How can nurses and midwives maintain reflective practices?

This book provides a practical guide to help nurses and midwives improve their work practices constantly. The new edition includes expanded sections on the nature of reflection and practice, preparing for reflection, and types of reflection, plus a new chapter on the ‘Taylor Model of Reflection’ and reflective practice in research and scholarship.

The writing style is accessible to any nurse or midwife interested in reflecting on her or his practice and the practice stories are of relevance to both new and experienced clinicians.

Reflective Practice is essential reading for nurses and midwives who are being introduced to reflective processes in their education and practice, and also for renewing interest and enthusiasm for health workers and practitioners who use reflective practices in their day-to-day work.
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Weitere Infos & Material


The nature of reflection and practice

Preparing for reflection

The Taylor model of reflection

Types of reflection

Technical reflection

Practical reflection

Emancipatory reflection

Reflective practice in research and scholarship

Reflection as a lifelong process



Professor Bev Taylor has been a nurse and midwife for 34 years; practicing, teaching and researching nursing and midwifery in hospitals and Universities in Australia. She is well-known internationally for many refereed journal articles and book chapters relating to nursing and midwifery practice, and for her books: Reflective Practice: A Guide for Nurses and Midwives 1st ed; Nursing Research Processes: An Australian Perspective, 1st and 2nd eds (with Kay Roberts); and Being Human: Ordinariness in Nursing.

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