Textbook of Differential Calculus | Buch | 978-93-89347-71-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 504 Seiten, Paperback

Textbook of Differential Calculus

Buch, Englisch, 504 Seiten, Paperback

ISBN: 978-93-89347-71-5
Verlag: PHI Learning

Calculus is a powerful mathematical tool with applications in almost every branch of science and engineering. This subject is therefore considered to occupy the central position in mathematics.

The third edition of Textbook of Differential Calculus is thoroughly revised as per the latest syllabi of various Indian universities for undergraduate courses in mathematics and engineering. The text is designed with rich collection of solved examples and problems to motivate students. Calculus is best understood via geometry. A major section of the text is devoted to topics on geometrical applications of calculus that includes treatment of topics such as tangents and normal to curves, curvature, asymptotes, maxima and minima of functions.
- Key features - A large number of solved examples, section-end questions and theorems help to build an intuitive understanding of mathematics.
- Questions have been selected from previous years’ examination papers.
- Multiple-choice questions, with answers, at the end of the book, help students to prepare for competitive examinations.

New to the Third Edition: - Provides several new examples in the existing chapters
- Includes a new chapter on Jacobians (Chapter 6)
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Ahsan Akhtar, former Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Mirza Ghalib College (Magadh University), Gaya, had taught mathematics to undergraduate, postgraduate and polytechnic students.

Sabiha Ahsan, Ph.D., is Associate Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Government Women’s College, Gulzarbagh, Patna. She has been actively involved in research and teaching for over 20 years. She has also been on the interview board of several Bihar and Central Government jobs.

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