The Data Literacy Cookbook | Buch | 978-0-8389-3925-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 264 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 267 mm x 216 mm

The Data Literacy Cookbook

Buch, Englisch, 264 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 267 mm x 216 mm

ISBN: 978-0-8389-3925-3
Verlag: American Library Association

Today’s students create and are confronted with many kinds of data in multiple formats. Data literacy enables students and researchers to access, interpret, critically assess, manage, handle, and ethically use data.

The Data Literacy Cookbook includes a variety of approaches to and lesson plans for teaching data literacy, from simple activities to self-paced learning modules to for-credit and discipline-specific courses. Sixty-five recipes are organized into nine sections based on learning outcomes: - Interpreting Polls and Surveys
- Finding and Evaluating Data
- Data Manipulation and Transformation
- Data Visualization
- Data Management and Sharing
- Geospatial Data
- Data in the Disciplines
- Data Literacy Outreach and Engagement
- Data Literacy Programs and Curricula 
Many sections have overlapping learning outcomes, so you can combine recipes from multiple sections to whip up a scaffolded curriculum. The Data Literacy Cookbook provides librarians with lesson plans, strategies, and activities to help guide students as both consumers and producers in the data life cycle.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Introduction
- Section 1. Interpreting Polls and Surveys
- Chapter 1. Survey Literacy: A Skills-Based Approach to Teaching Survey Research
Jesse Klein
- Chapter 2. Setting the Scene with Surveys: Using Polling Software to Demonstrate Primary and Secondary Data
Wendy G. Pothier
- Chapter 3. The Mini-study: A Three-Part Assignment for Original Data Creation, Summation, and Visualization
William Cuthbertson, Lyda Fontes McCartin, and Sara O’Donnell
- Section 2. Finding and Evaluating Data
- Chapter 4. Three-Step Data Searching
Annelise Sklar
- Chapter 5. Transforming Research Questions into Variables: A Recipe for Finding Secondary Data
Alicia Kubas and Jenny McBurney
- Chapter 6. Sweeten the Search: Discover Data for Reuse with a Tool That Links Publications to the Underlying Data
Elizabeth Moss
- Chapter 7. The Most Vital Statistics: Finding and Analyzing Historical Mortality Rates
Alisa Beth Rod and Jennie Correia
- Chapter 8. Understanding the Enumerated World: Making Sense of Data as an Information Source
Alexandra Cooper, Elizabeth Hill, and Kristi Thompson
- Chapter 9. Looking at Data
Kay K. Bjornen
- Chapter 10. Interrogating the Data: What Data Sets Can and Cannot Tell Us
Kristin Fontichiaro
- Chapter 11. Data Zines: A Hands-On Approach to Community Curiosities
Tess Wilson
- Chapter 12. On the Hunt: Understanding and Analyzing GSS Data Extraction for Incorporation within Sociological Research Projects
Amy Dye-Reeves
- Chapter 13. Using Statistics to Define the Problem: Data and Service Learning
Amy Harris Houk and Jenny Dale
- Chapter 14. Data and Statistics in the News and Media
Kaetlyn Phillips
- Section 3. Data Manipulation and Transformation
- Chapter 15. A Kinesthetic Approach to Data: Moving to Understand Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio Relationship in Data
Wendy Stephens
- Chapter 16. Text Mining Charcuterie Board
Yun Dai and Fan Luo
- Chapter 17. Anyone Can Cook (R)! Open Data with R, a Five-Week Mini-mester
Jay Forrest and Ameet Doshi
- Chapter 18. Software Carpentry Al Dente: Rendering Tech Training for Online Artisans
Peace Ossom-Williamson, Shiloh Williams, and Hammad Rauf Khan
- Chapter 19. A Recipe for Improving Online Instruction for the Carpentries
Kay K. Bjornen and Clarke Iakovakis
- Section 4. Data Visualization
- Chapter 20. Correlation Does Not Equal Causality: Introducing Data Literacy through Infographics and Statistics in the Media
Nick Ruhs
- Chapter 21. Pies, Bars, Charts, and Graphs, Oh My! A Data Visualization Appetizer
Haley L. Lott
- Chapter 22. Data Visualizations: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Kaetlyn Phillips
- Chapter 23. Seasonal Visual Literacy: Using Current Events to Teach Data and Spatial Literacy Skills with Adaptable LibGuides
Jacqueline Fleming and Theresa Quill
- Chapter 24. To Visualize Is to Experience Data
- Chapter elsea H. Barrett and Gerard Shea
- Chapter 25. Upping the Baseline for Data Literacy Instruction
Jessica Vanderhoff
- Chapter 26. A Literacy-Based Approach to Learning Visualization with R’s ggplot2 Package
Angela M. Zoss
- Chapter 27. Build Your Own Data Viz Pizza: A Modular Approach to Data Visualization Instruction
Rachel Starry
- Chapter 28. Veggie Pizza: Choosing a Data Visualization Tool
Rachel Starry
- Chapter 29. Four-Cheese Pizza: Color and Accessible Design
Rachel Starry
- Chapter 30. Data Visualization using Web Apps in a Rainbow Layer Cake
Yun Dai and Fan Luo
- Chapter 31. Graphical Abstracts: Creating Appetizing Infographics for Your Research Article
Aleshia Huber
- Section 5. Data Management and Sharing
- Chapter 32. Making File Names for Digital Exhibits
Kate Thornhill and Gabriele Hayden
- Chapter 33. Data Management Failures: Teaching the Importance of DMPs through Cautionary Examples
Richard M. Mikulski
- Chapter 34. Low-Fat Research Data Management
Elizabeth Blackwood
- Chapter 35. Managing Qualitative Social Science Data: An Open, Self-Guided Course
Sebastian Karcher and Diana Kapiszewski
- Chapter 36. Seven Weeks, Seven DMPs: Iterative Learning around Data Management Plan Creation
Emma Slayton and Hannah C. Gunderman
- Chapter 37. Equitable from the Beginning: Incorporating Critical Data Perspectives into Your Research Design
Jodi Coalter, David Durden, and Leigh Amadi Dunewood
- Section 6. Geospatial Data
- Chapter 38. Challenge Accepted: Introducing Geospatial Data Literacy through an Online Learning Path
Joshua Sadvari and Katie Phillips
- Chapter 39. GIS for Success Series: Learning the Basics of QGIS Workshop
Kelly Grove
- Chapter 40. GIS for Success Series: Let’s Make a Map in QGIS Workshop
Kelly Grove
- Chapter 41. Statistical and Geospatial Literacy for Integrative Genetics
Jay Forrest and Chrissy Spencer
- Chapter 42. Web Map Layer Cake: Teaching Web Mapping Skills with Leaflet for R
Sarah Zhang and Julie Jones
- Section 7. Data in the Disciplines
- Chapter 43. Data in Context: How Data Fit into the Scholarly Conversation
Theresa Burress
- Chapter 44. Let the Dough Rise! Integrating Library Instruction in a Digital Humanities Course
RenÉ Duplain and Chantal Ripp
- Chapter 45. Ethics and Biodiversity Data
Rebecca Hill Renirie
- Chapter 46. Data Decisions and the Research Process in the Sciences and Social Sciences
Nicole Helregel
- Chapter 47. Financial Data for Economics Students
Jennifer Yao Weinraub
- Chapter 48. Stuffed Shiny App with Business Intelligence
Yun Dai and Fan Luo
- Chapter 49. Fast Casual Marketing Strategies
Juliann Couture, Halley Todd, and Natalia Tingle Dolan
- Chapter 50. When and Where: A Framework for Finding and Evaluating Social Science Data for Reuse
Ari Gofman
- Chapter 51. Data Literacy Layered Lasagna for Preservice Teachers
Brad Dennis and Allison Hart-Young
- Section 8. Data Literacy Outreach and Engagement
- Chapter 52. Data Visualization Day: Promoting Data Literacy with Campus Partners
Wenli Gao
- Chapter 53. Getting Messy Ourselves: An Experiential Learning Curriculum for Subject Librarians to Engage with Data Literacy
Adrienne Canino
- Chapter 54. Research Data Management Stone Soup: Gauging Team Competencies
Michelle Armstrong, Megan Davis, Ellie Dworak, Yitzhak “Yitzy” Paul, and Elisabeth Shook
- Chapter 55. Data Literacy Family Style: Full-Day Professional Development
Molly Ledermann, Emilia Marcyk, Terence O’Neill, and Dianna E. Sachs
- Chapter 56. Everyone Is Welcome at the Table: Outreach for Data Management and Data Literacy in Research Assignment Design
Shannon Sheridan and Hilary Baribeau
- Chapter 57. Seasoning and Simmering: Cultivating Data Literacy Skills through an Open Data Hackathon
Peace Ossom-Williamson
- Chapter 58. From Soup to Nuts: Finding Your Way around the Data Services Buffet
Jane Fry and Chantal Ripp
- Chapter 59. Teaching Data Literacy and Computational Thinking in Educational Technology
Lesley S. J. Farmer
- Section 9. Data Literacy Programs and Curricula
- Chapter 60. Cooking Up a Data Literacy Course
Claire Nickerson
- Chapter 61. Baking a Data Layer Cake: Scaffolding Data Skills through Video Vignettes
Shannon Sheridan
- Chapter 62. Building Data Literacy through Scaffolded Workshops: Experiences and Challenges
Jiebei Luo and Yaqing (Allison) Xu
- Chapter 63. Data Literacy Appetizers: LibGuide Data Instruction Modules for Undergraduates
Beth Hillemann and Aaron Albertson
- Chapter 64. Data as Curation: Framing Data Creation as a Critical Practice through Collections-Based Research Inquiry
Gesina A. Phillips, Tyrica Terry Kapral,
Matthew J. Lavin, and Aaron Brenner
- Chapter 65. Quantitative Data Skills for Undergraduates: A Seminar Series for Social Science Students
Whitney Kramer and Amelia Kallaher

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