The Lure of Disempowerment | Buch | 978-1-7924-8962-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 150 Seiten, Paperback

The Lure of Disempowerment

Reclaiming Agency in the Age of CRT

Buch, Englisch, 150 Seiten, Paperback

ISBN: 978-1-7924-8962-4
Verlag: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company

The Lure of Disempowerment: Reclaiming Agency in the Age of CRT seeks to remedy a ubiquitous problem we see in anti-racist activism in the academy and academy-adjacent spaces: disempowerment. This is the tendency to embrace victimhood and label opposing or even altered views as violent and inherently racist. We believe that an anecdote about the experience one of us had when engaging anti-racist academics is indicative of this disempowerment within circles of anti-racist activism. Therefore, we use that experience as a springboard into describing, explaining, and remedying the aforementioned fragility.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Acknowledgments
- Prologue The Awakening Around Race in Our Contemporary Moment (Matthew Abraham)
- Introduction Indignity and Degradation: The Lure of Disempowerment (Erec Smith)
- Chapter 1 Critical Social Justice vs. Empowerment Theory (Erec Smith)
- Chapter 2 Intrapersonal Empowerment (Erec Smith)
- Chapter 3 Interactional Empowerment (Erec Smith)
- Chapter 4 Behavioral Empowerment (Erec Smith)
- Conclusion Empowerment, Classical Liberalism, and the End of Racism (Erec Smith) 89 Epilogue Who's Afraid of Erec Smith? (Matthew Abraham)
- Index

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