The Public Library Director’s Toolkit | Buch | 978-0-8389-1859-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 216 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm

The Public Library Director’s Toolkit

Buch, Englisch, 216 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm

ISBN: 978-0-8389-1859-3
Verlag: American Library Association

New public library directors quickly learn what seasoned directors already know: running a library means you’ve always got your hands full—balancing the needs of staff, patrons, facilities, library boards, and other stakeholders with professional responsibilities like community interactions, legal and financial requirements, and whole lot else that wasn’t exactly in the job description. Whether you are considering becoming a public library director, are brand new to the role, or have settled in but find yourself thinking “there’s got to be a better way,” authors Hall and Parker are here to help. This book walks you through the core components of getting up to speed and then provides templates, sample documents, checklists, and other resources that will make your job easier. Gleaned from their own decades of experience in library leadership positions, in this toolkit they - cover such key topics as employees, trustees, finances, legal issues, library policies, emergency planning, and technology;
- discuss strategic planning and share advice on keeping up with trends;
- offer nearly two dozen ready-to-use resources, including a Director’s Report Template, a Social Media Policy, an Employee Exit Questionnaire, a Library Cleaning Checklist, a Vision Statement worksheet, and more; and
- suggest additional learning opportunities in each chapter to help you continue your learning journey.

Public library directors can steer clear of common pain points by relying on the expert guidance and organizational aids in this toolkit.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Part I Director Toolbox
- Chapter 1 Getting Started
- Chapter 2 Employees
- Chapter 3 Trustees
- Chapter 4 Finances
- Chapter 5 Legal Matters
- Chapter 6 Policies and Procedures
- Chapter 7 Insurance
- Chapter 8 Buildings
- Chapter 9 Emergency Planning
- Chapter 10 Technology
- Chapter 11 Strategic Plan
- Chapter 12 What Next?
- Part II Tools
- Sample 1.1 Library Director Training Checklist
- Sample 1.2 Director’s Report Template
- Sample 2.1 New Hire Checklist
- Sample 2.2 Librarian Job Description
- Sample 2.3 Unpaid Leave of Absence Policy
- Sample 2.4 Social Media Policy
- Sample 2.5 Disciplinary Policy
- Sample 2.6 Termination Checklist
- Sample 2.7 Employee Exit Questionnaire
- Sample 3.1 Trustee Welcome Letter
- Sample 3.2 Library Board versus Director Role
- Sample 4.1 Revenues Budget Template
- Sample 4.2 Expenses Budget Template
- Sample 6.1 Public Code of Behavior Policy
- Sample 6.2 Unattended Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy
- Sample 6.3 Gifts and Donations Policy
- Sample 7.1 Incident and Accident Report Form
- Sample 8.1 Library Cleaning Checklist
- Sample 9.1 Person-in-Charge Emergency Responses
- Sample 11.1 Strategic Plan Visual Summary
- Sample 11.2 Mission Statement Worksheet
- Sample 11.3 Vision Statement Worksheet
- Index

Kate Hall has been a Library Director since 2010; first at New Lenox and now at Northbrook Public Library. Kate has held numerous library leadership positions and has worked with Kathy Parker on the successful Director’s University program that has taught over 100 new library directors what they need to know to run a library. Kate is active on many boards, including serving previously on the Illinois Library Association Executive Board and as President on the Reaching Across Illinois Library System.

Kathy Parker has over 35 years of library experience, with 16 serving as library director at Glenwood-Lynwood Public Library. Kathy has participated on various library boards and has served as a library trustee at her local library and in the regional library system, and started several continuing education initiatives for library staff and trustees. Kathy retired in summer 2018 and has started her own consulting business serving as an interim director, offering coaching to new directors, and helping boards hire directors.

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