Thomsett | The Managers Pocket Calculator: A Quick Guide to Essential Business Formulas and Ratios | Buch | 978-0-8144-1635-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Format (B × H): 60 mm x 90 mm


The Managers Pocket Calculator: A Quick Guide to Essential Business Formulas and Ratios

A Quick Guide to Essential Business Formulas and Ratios

Buch, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Format (B × H): 60 mm x 90 mm

ISBN: 978-0-8144-1635-8
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

Your success or failure is reflected in one number: the bottom line. So you’d better get a handle on the numbers that influence it. The Manager’s Pocket Calculator gives you the essentials of budgeting and forecasting, financial analysis, reporting, interest and rate-of-return calculation, statistics, and more.Not just an overview, the book contains more than 100 formulas and ratios with numerical examples, spreadsheet entries, and step-by-step calculations. The Manager’s Pocket Calculator trains you in the application of mission-critical business fundamentals, better preparing you to: - Create and justify budgets - Excel in planning meetings concerning financial performance - Craft reports and presentations demonstrating financial outcomes - Communicate with internal and external accounting, auditing and other financial entitiesAn indispensable, everyday business tool, The Manager’s Pocket Calculator makes you more than a manager. It makes you a powerful architect of your organization’s financial stability.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Contents INTRODUCTION: The Basic Problem with Numbers CHAPTER 1: Compound Interest: The Power of Money Time Value of Money: The Concept Accumulated Value of a Series of Deposits Looking Ahead CHAPTER 2: Present Value and Sinking Funds Present Value of a Single Deposit Sinking Fund Payments and Present Value per Period Loan Amortization Reading Loan Amortization Tables Annual Percentage Rate Cash Return and Cash Flow Returns on Purchases and Sales Investment-Based Returns Annualized Return Looking Ahead CHAPTER 4 Calculating Breakeven and After-Tax Profit Hidden Costs The Inflation Effect Taxes in the Profitability Equation Breakeven Calculations: Inflation and Taxes Calculating Cash Flow Looking Ahead CHAPTER 5: Financial Reporting Formulas: The Balance Sheet Balance Sheet Basics Working Capital Ratios Ratios Showing Management of Working Capital Capitalization Ratios Combined Ratios Looking Ahead CHAPTER 6: Financial Reporting Formulas: The Income Statement Income Statement Basics Dollar and Percentage Reportin Core Earnings Looking Ahead CHAPTER 7: Depreciation Calculations Basic Depreciation Rules Straight-Line and Declining Balance Depreciation Class Lives and Recovery Periods Depreciation Calculations for Real Estate Home Office Depreciation Amortization Looking Ahead CHAPTER 8: Bringing Reports to Life: Powerful Arguments with the Numbers Picking Your Report Format Narrative Sections Financial Sections Combining Narrative and Financial Content Graphics in Reports Looking Ahead CHAPTER 9: Budgeting Calculations: Assumptions and Prorations Documenting Your Assumptions Addressing the Expense Issues Prorating Expense Estimates Calculating Variances Revising Budgets The Nature of Revenue Forecasts Looking Ahead CHAPTER 10: Statistics for Effective Reporting Management Application of Statistics Statistical Averages Dispersion, Variance, and Deviation Accuracy in Statistics Looking Ahead CHAPTER 11: Incredible Math Shortcuts Addition Shortcuts Subtraction Shortcuts Logical Rules Multiplication Shortcuts Division Shortcuts Looking Ahead CHAPTER 12: Incredible Conversion, Measurement, and Time Shortcuts Conversion Measurements Time Shortcuts APPENDIX: Summary of Formulas INDEX

ANDREW J. SHERMAN is a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Jones Day and an internationally recognized authority on the legal and strategic issues of emerging and established companies. He has been interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Forbes, Time, and other publications, and is the author of Raising Capital (978-0-8144-0856-8).

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