Thomsett | Winning With Stocks | Buch | 978-0-8144-0986-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Format (B × H): 60 mm x 90 mm


Winning With Stocks

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Format (B × H): 60 mm x 90 mm

ISBN: 978-0-8144-0986-2
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

With a refreshing absence of jargon—and a substantial dose of straightforward guidance and explanation - Winning with Stocks breaks down the basics of making the kind of investment decisions that will pay off. Covering the most valuable indicators of stock market performance—such as current ratio and debt ratio, revenue trend, net return, price history, volatility, P/E ratio, and trading range trends—the book shows readers how to take advantage of opportunities while limiting risks. Readers will learn how to uncover the best stocks, determine what to believe in the popular press, manage liquidity, employ technical tests to analyze companies’ performance, and more. Supplying practical tools and illuminating examples, the book gives readers the guidance and information they need to control their individual portfolios, take control of their investments, and maximize their long-term success in the everchanging market.
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Weitere Infos & Material

CONTENTS Preface Creating Your Comprehensive Program vii Chapter 1 A Short History of the Stock Market 1 Chapter 2 The Bottom Line 23 Chapter 3 Yield and Yield History 47 Chapter 4 The "Practical" Dow Theory 65 Chapter 5 A Few Valuable Fundamentals 91 Chapter 6 Identifying the Risk 119 Chapter 7 The Egg-and-Basket Idea 137 Chapter 8 Liquidity in the Market 151 Chapter 9 Volatility and Leverage 165 Chapter 10 Alternatives to Direct Ownership of Stocks 181 Chapter 11 Market Timing 197 Chapter 12 Applying Your Comprehensive Program 209 Glossary 227 Index 237

Michael C. Thomsett (Port Townsend, WA) has written more than 70 books, including Winning with Options (978-0-8144-0033-3), Annual Reports 101 (978-0-8144-7367-2), The Stock Investor’s Pocket Calculator (978-0-8144-7460-0), Getting Started in Options, and Getting Started in Fundamental Analysis. He has been a management consultant in the securities industry and is an active stock trader.

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