Tinkler / Jackson | The Doctoral Examination Process | Buch | 978-0-335-22809-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch

Tinkler / Jackson

The Doctoral Examination Process

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22809-6
Verlag: Open University Press

'It also incorporates a wealth of information that most supervisors and examiners only acquire through years of experience.

this book deserves to be widely read and, if it is, it should contribute to an improvement in the quality of both research degree examining and the student's performance at the viva.'

Professor Diana Woodward, University Director of Research, Napier University, Edinburgh and retiring UKCGE Executive Committee Member

'importantly the book deals with perspectives of all three concerned parties, i.e., the candidate, examiner and supervisor. It is. a very useful guide to appreciate and prepare for the different stages of the doctoral examination process.'

Higher Education Quarterly

What is the viva and how can students prepare for it?

What should supervisors consider when selecting PhD examiners?

How should examiners assess a doctoral thesis and conduct the viva?

The doctoral examination process has been shrouded in mystery and has been a source of anxiety and concern for students, supervisors and examiners alike. But now help is at hand. This book sheds new light on the process, providing constructive ways of understanding the doctoral examination, preparing for it and undertaking it.

This book stands alone in the field due to the extensive research undertaken by the authors. Over a four year period, surveys and interviews were undertaken with candidates and academics from a wide range of disciplines throughout Britain. Outcomes and ideas from the research have been united to provide the most comprehensive information available.

Real life accounts and case studies are combined with useful advice, tasks and checklists to create an illuminating handbook. This user-friendly book is a vital resource for anyone involved in the doctoral process. No doctoral candidate, examiner or supervisor should be without it.
Tinkler / Jackson The Doctoral Examination Process jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material


Introduction To The Doctoral Examination Process

Understanding The Doctoral Viva - What Is It For?

Understanding The Doctoral Viva - How Does It Work?

Viva Preparation - Long Term

Selecting Examiners

Who Attends The Viva? Roles And Obligations

Examiners - Should You Examine?

Examiners - Assessing A Doctoral Thesis

Viva Preparation - Short Term

Viva Preparation - Final Stage

In The Viva - Candidates’ Perspectives

The Viva - Tips And Issues For Examiners




Penny Tinkler is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the University of Manchester.Carolyn Jackson is a Lecturer in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.

The authors have published widely on the PhD examination drawing upon their joint research projects. They run training sessions on doctoral examinations for students, examiners and supervisors in universities across Britain.

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