Tokusoglu / Swanson | Improving Food Quality with Novel Food Processing Technologies | Buch | 978-1-138-19988-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 484 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 453 g

Tokusoglu / Swanson

Improving Food Quality with Novel Food Processing Technologies

Buch, Englisch, 484 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 453 g

ISBN: 978-1-138-19988-0
Verlag: CRC Press

Consumers around the world have become better educated and more demanding in their identification and purchase of quality health-promoting foods; therefore the food industry requires innovative technologies to provide their clientele with safe and stable foods that meet safety regulations. Improving Food Quality with Novel Food Processing Technologies details novel processing technologies including high pressure processing (HPP) and pulsed electrical fields (PEFs) that can improve the quality of food from functionality, chemistry/microbiology, bioactive quantity, and shelf-life standpoints.

The authors discuss how to improve food functionality with high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and PEFs. They focus on improving the quality and retaining bioactive constituents of fruits and vegetables and improving the quality of dairy, egg, meat, and seafood products with HHP. Broad in scope, the book also reviews the modeling and simulations of HHP inactivation of microorganisms and the relative effects of HHP processing on food allergies and intolerances. It then discusses improving food functionality with PEF processes in dairy and egg products, fruit juices, and wine. A chapter attending to industrial applications of HHP and PEF systems and potential commercial quality and shelf life of food products concludes this discussion.

During the past decade, novel processing technologies including HHP, ultrasound, PEF, and advanced heating technologies containing microwave, ohmic heating, and radio frequency have frequently been applied in the processing of foods and beverages. Successful research and identification of economic benefits, including energy and water conservation as well as demonstrated safety and fresh-like quality attributes will improve consumer perception of nonthermal technologies and result in further development by the food industry around the world. In an in-depth exploration of these novel technologies, the book gives you the skills for product development and improvement.
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Weitere Infos & Material

PART I: Introduction. Introduction to Improving Food Quality by Novel Food Processes. PART II: Improving Food Quality with High Pressure Processing (HPP). High Pressure Processing on Bioactive Components of Foods and Beverages. High Pressure Processing on Improved Dairy Food Quality. Improving Quality of Agrofood Products by High Pressure Processing. High pressure processing (HPP) on freshness, shelf life of meat products and value-added meats products. Quality of High Pressure Processed Pastes and Purees. Fruit Juice Quality Enhancing By High Pressure Technology. Improvement of Protein Digestibility by High Pressure PEPPER. Improving Vegetable Quality by High Pressure. Modeling and simulating the high hydrostatic pressure inactivation of microrganisms in foods. Physicochemical Quality and Functionality of Berry, Berry-Based, Grape and Grape By-Products with High Pressure. Table Olive and Table Egg Quality By High Pressure Processing Technology. Applications of High Pressure Processing as Non-thermal Fermentation Control Technique. Pressure Processing-Assisted Thermal Processing of Low-Acid Shelf Stable Foods. Food Allergies, Intolerances and Food-Borne Intoxications: High Pressure Processing Effects. PART III: Improving Food Quality with Pulse Electric Field (PEF) Technologies. Effects of Pulsed Electric Field Processing on Microbial Quality, Enzymatic and Physical Properties of Milk. Improving Cheese Quality by Pulsed Electric Fields. Opportunities and Challenges in Fruit Juice Preservation by Pulsed Electric Fields. Quality, Safety And Shelf Life Extension Of Fresh Fruit Juices By Pulsed Electric Field Treatment. Liquid Egg Quality by PEF. PEF Technology on Yogurt and Soup Products.

ozlem Tokusoglu (main editor, associate professor Dr.) was born in Izmir, Turkey, completed her bachelor's (1992) and master's (1996) at EGE University in the Department of Chemistry and completed her PhD from the same university in the Department of Food Engineering (2001), Izmir, Turkey. She worked as a research assistant and Dr. Assistant at EGE University from 1993 to 2001. She professionally officiated at the Food Science and Nutrition Department at the University of Florida-Gainesville, Florida, USA as a research associate during 1999-2000. Dr. Tokusoglu has worked on the faculty staff as an assistant professor at Celal Bayar University, Manisa during 2002-2007, Turkey. Tokusoglu, is currently working as associate professor in the Department of Food Engineering of the same university as a faculty member from 2007 to date. Also, during 2012 December, she deserved the full professor degree and her promotion is in progress.Tokusoglu was a visiting professor at the Food Science and Nutrition Department at the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA during 1999-2000 and at the School of Food Science, Washington State University, Pullman, in the State of Washington, USA during April-May 2010. Her study focusses on food quality control, food chemistry, food safety and toxicology, shelf-life of foods and innovative food processing technologies on foods, beverages, and functional products. Her specific study areas are phenolics, phytochemicals, bioactive antioxidative components, food additives, bioactive lipids, their determinations by instrumental techniques, their effects on quality of food and beverages, oil-fats and functional food technologies and the novel food processing effects on food bioactives, food toxicants, and shelf-life of foods and beverages.Tokusoglu has conducted academic research studies, keynote addresses, and academic presentations at Geneva, Switzerland in 1997; Gainesville, Florida, USA in 1999; Anaheim-Los Angel

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