Buch, Englisch, 865 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1700 g
ISBN: 978-3-03785-218-7
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Weitere Infos & Material
Preface and Committees
Corrosion-Fatigue of High Strength Steel Bars: Evolution of Crack Aspect Ratio
Lamb-Wave Based Technique for Impact Damage Detection in Composite Stiffened Panels
The Measurement of Residual Stresses in Thermal Barrier Coated Model Aerofoils
Development of Predictive Models for Fatigue Crack Growth in Rails
Fracture Analysis of a First Stage Turbine Blade by FRANC3D
Fully Reversed Uniaxial Tension-Compression High Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Shot-Peened Steels
Solutions for Impact over Aerospace Protection
The Effect of Mesh Density in Lattice Models for Concrete with Incorporated Mesostructure
Calibration of Constitutive Law and Ductile Failure Criterion for Very Thin Rectangular Al2024-T3 Aluminum Alloy Specimen
Flexural Wave Scattering by Double Elliptic Holes in an Infinite Thin Plate
Advanced Finite Element Analysis to Predict Off-Axis Crushing Behaviour of Composite Aero-Structures
Fatigue Fracture Mechanism of Extruded Al Alloy 7075-T6 in High Humidity
Validation of Modified Lemaitre’s Anisotropic Damage Model with the Cross Die Drawing Test
Probabilistic Fracture Resistance of a Forged Quality Medium Carbon Alloy Steel
Spatial Statistical Analyses for Time-Dependent Corroded Surfaces of Uncoated Weathering Steel Plates in Various Corrosive Environments
Corrosion Inhibition of Stress Corrosion Cracking and Localized Corrosion of Turbo-Expander and Steam/Gas Turbines Materials
The Effect of Lamb Wave Interaction with Fatigue Crack in Thin Al Sheet
Modeling Ductile Fracture Using the Discontinuous Velocity Domain Splitting Method
Notched Specimens Fracture Prediction with an Advanced GTN Model
Dynamic Characteristics of Composite Materials Body for Bi-Modal Tram
Comparison between 3D FEM and Standard ISO Tooth Root Stresses
Crystallographic Analysis of Specimens Used for Calibrate a Failure Model for an Al 6061 – T6 Alloy
Cyclic Mixed-Mode Crack Propagation due to Time-Dependent Multiaxial Loading in Jet Engines
Crack Growth Rates and Corrosion Fatigue of Austenitic Stainless Steels in High Chloride Solutions
Rolling Contact Fatigue Crack Growth Prediction by the Asperity Point Load Mechanism
Mechanical Characterization of Friction Stir Channels under Internal Pressure and In-Plane Bending
Numeric Simulation of Fatigue Crack Growth in a Material Graded Structure
Lifetime Determination of the Raceway of a Large Three-Row Roller Slewing Bearing
Analysis of Combined Adhesive and Cohesive Cracking at Roughened Surfaces
Performance of Different Metal-Foam Stuffed Whipple Shield against Hypervelocity Impact of Space Debris
Development of a Low-Constraint SE(T) Toughness Test
Modelling of Crack Bifurcation in Laminar Ceramics with Large Compressive Stress
Finite Element Analysis of Composite Flywheel with Two-Layer Pre-Stressed Rotor Structure
Identification of Slant Cracks in a Cantilever Beam Using Design of Experiment and Neuro-Genetic Technique
Non-Linear Behaviour of Base-Isolated Building Supported on Flexible Soil under Damaging Earthquakes
Coupling Infrared Thermography and Acoustic Emission Measurement to Quantify the Shakedown State of Shape Memory Alloys
Modeling Fracture of Fiber Reinforced Polymer
Modeling Radiation Effects on the Fracture Process in Simplified Nuclear Glass
Crack Growth Modeling in a Specimen with Polymer Weld
Basic Modes of Crack Propagation through the Interface in a Polymer Layered Structure
Effect of Notched Parameters on Low Cycle Fatigue Life of Shaft under Bending-Torsional Loading
Investigation of Eigen-Values for Matrix Cracks of Two Materials
Dimensionless Stress Intensity Factors of an Annular Notched Shaft
Fatigue Crack Shape Prediction Based on the Stress Singularity Exponent
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Fatigue Behaviour of Nodular Cast Iron
Modelling of Nonlinear Creep and Recovery Behaviour of Cortical Bone
Finite Element Analysis by Using Hyper-Elastic Properties for Rubber Component
Assessment of Thermal Damage for Railway Wheel of Long-Term Running
Influence of Curing Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of Alkali-Activated Bottom Ash Geopolymer Mortar
Investigation into Damage of AL-Mesh Bumper under Hypervelocity AL-Spheres Impact
Dynamic Antiplane Behavior for a Quarter Infinite Piezoelectric Medium with a Subsurface Circular Inclusion
A Study on the Fracture Test in Railroad Truck
Fracture Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Study on Welding Deformations of Shipboard of Container Vessel
Variational Principle and Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Plate with Temperature Changes
The Scattering of SH-Wave Caused by Subsurface Circular Cavities in a Layered Half-Space
Fatigue Damage in On-Axis and Off-Axis Woven-Fiber/Resin Composite
Effect of Hydrogen on Mechanical Properties of Type 310S Stainless Steel
Fatigue Strength of Radical Nitrided Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron
Combined Influence of Expansive and Shrinkage Reducing Admixtures on the Shrinkage Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Study on Gradient-Dependent Nonlocal Damage Constitutive Models of Concrete under Freeze-Thaw Action
Effect of YbCl3-Zn-Epoxy Coating on MIC Behavior of Low Alloy Steel
Improvement of MIC Behavior of Ship Plate Steel with LaCl3-Zn Epoxy Coating
Computational Analysis of the AFM Specimen on Mixed-Mode I+II+III Fracture
MIC Behavior of the Low Alloy Steel with Different Zn-Epoxy Coating in SRB Solution
Crack Initiation Predictions of the AFM-Specimen under Bend and Torsion Loading
Numerical Simulation of Series Experiments of Concrete Fracture
Influence of the Type of Silica Fume on the Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Strength Enhancement of Bottom Ash-Based Polymer Concretes
Potential of Shape Memory Complex Materials SMC as Welfare Equipment Actuator
Performance of Nylon Based Polymer Foams at Elevated Temperature under Tensile Loading
Effect of REM Finishing on Fatigue Behavior of a Shot Peened Low Alloy Steel
Optimal Elastic Design of CFCs
High Cycle Fatigue Parameters of High Chromium Steel
Slow Crack Growth and Creep Rupture of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3 – d
Influence of Al-Si Diffusion Coating on Low Cycle Fatigue Properties of Cast Superalloy Inconel 738LC at 800 °C
Effect of Friction Stir Welding Condition on Fatigue Limit of Welded Non-Combustible Mg Alloy
A Role of Destructive and Non-Destructive Tests in Creep Damage Identification
Small Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior from Artificial Notch with Focused Ion Beam in Annealed 0.45% Carbon Steel
Loading Frequency Effects on the Fatigue Crack Growth Rate and Fracture Surface Morphology of Low Carbon Steel in Case of Long-Term Use in Hydrogen Gas
Micromechanical Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials with Irregularly Shaped Pores
Edge-Strengthening of Structural Glass with Protective Coatings
Residual Stresses in As-Welded Joints: Finite Element Modeling and Neutron Difraction Stress Measurements
Cellular Automata Multiscale Model of Creep Damage for Metals
Experimental Investigation of Fatigue Crack Growth in the Welding Nugget of FSW Joints of a 6060 Aluminum Alloy
Experimental Study on Polymer Mass Used to Repair Damaged Structures
Shaking Table Experimental Study on Damage Mechanism of the Disconnecting Switch under Seismic Excitation
Peridynamic Theory for Damage Initiation and Growth in Composite Laminate
Inelastic Dynamic Analysis and Non-Linear Static Analysis (Push-Over) of 3-Story and 6-Story RC Buildings of Ductile Frames
Application of the T-Method to 3D BEM Analysis of Cracks in Piezoelectric Components
The Influence of the Weld Width on Fracture Behaviour of the Heterogeneous Welded Joint
Simulation of a Strategy for the Assessment of Damage in Human Bones by Using FEM and Signal Processing
Effect of an Internal Open Crack on Pipes Wave Propagation
On the Stress Intensity Factors of Cracked Beams for Structural Analysis
Cracks Interaction Effect on the Dynamic Stability of Beams under Conservative and Nonconservative Forces
Finite Temperature Nanovoids Evolution in FCC Metals Using Quasicontinuum Method
Bone-Cement Interface Micromechanical Model under Cyclic Loading
Comparison of Solutions of Stress Field Based on Hertzian and Combined Numerical-Crystallographic Approaches Beneath Nanoindenter
Influence of Boundary Conditions on Higher Order Terms of Near-Crack-Tip Stress Field in a WST Specimen
Valuation of TMF Lifetime Calculation Methods and their Limitations of Usability
Fatigue Crack Growth Simulation in Railway Axles
Effect on the Alkali-Activator Mixing Ratio of Geopolymer Mortar Using Bottom Ash
Crack Propagation from Bi-Material Notches – Matched Asymptotic Procedure
Evaluation of the Fatigue Resistance of Chromium Slurry Coating Steel Substrate Compounds by Means of an Improved Impact Testing Procedure
Stress Responses to Large Simple Shear Deformation in Elasticity Based on the Logarithmic Strain
Slow Crack Growth by Grain Boundary Dissolution of Hydroxyapatite in Water
Research on Acoustic Emission Test Method for Metal Fatigue Fracture Based on Wavelet Packets Feature Extraction
The Study of AE and ESSPI Technique on the CBF Composite
Interaction of SH-Wave on Multiple Linear Cracks near Shallow-Embedded Structure
Numerical Simulation of Multiple Fatigue Crack Growth with Additional Crack Initiation
Study on Damage Parameters and its Size Effect of Concrete by Tension Test
Elastic-Viscoplastic Field at the Mixed-Mode Crack-Tip under Compression and Shear
Effect of Rotational Speed on Thin-Rim Gear Bending Fatigue Crack Initiation Life
Investigation on Damage Tolerance of Carbon/Epoxy Laminate for Aircraft Structural Design
Damage Analysis of Concrete Subjected to Freeze-Thaw Cycles and Chloride Ion Erosion
Measurements of Mode I and Mode III Fracture Toughness of Spring’s Steel
Numerical Implementation of Constitutive Material Law for Simulating the Kinkband Formation in Fiber Composites
Fatigue Crack Propagation in New Generation Aluminium Alloys
An Effect of Shot Peening on Retardation and Growth of Short Fatigue Cracks in an Aircraft Al-Alloy
The Effect of Nonlinear Matrix on Crack Propagation in the Particulate Composite
On Effective Properties of Layers in Damaged Composite Laminates
Defect Size Measurement of Wall Thinned Pipe Using Shearography and Digital Image Correlation
Fatigue Focused Optimization of Treatment Parameters – A Case Study about Deep Cryogenic Treatment
Fatigue Behaviour of Notched Ti-6Al-4V in Inert Environment
A Comprehensive Study of the Performances of PVD WC/C-Coated Racing Gears
Effect of Shot Peening on the Fatigue Behavior of some Sintered Steels
Effect of Heat Treatment on Fracture during Bending in AA6016 Aluminium Alloy Sheets
Fatigue Growth Models for Mu