Tracing the New Indian Diaspora | Buch | 978-90-420-3888-2 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 176, 24 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 627 g

Reihe: Cross/Cultures

Tracing the New Indian Diaspora

Buch, Englisch, Band 176, 24 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 627 g

Reihe: Cross/Cultures

ISBN: 978-90-420-3888-2
Verlag: Brill | Rodopi

The growing importance of the Indian diaspora is felt today across the globe due to its emergence as the second-largest dias¬poric community. By examining historical, socio-cultural, economic, political, and lite¬rary aspects of the Indian diaspora, this volume sets out to trace the latest devel¬opments in the field of Indian diaspora studies. It brings together essays by Indian and foreign scholars, thus providing an authoritative platform for discussions in which identities and affiliations are con¬tested and constituted through the hier¬archies of cross-cultural migration in this increasingly globalized world. This volume traces the transnational network of the Indian diaspora, and will prove of interest to scholars working in the fields of the Indian diaspora, diaspora theory, and cultural studies.

Countries covered include Mauritius, Fiji, Singapore, Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana, Suriname, the UK, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Malaya, South Africa, and New Zealand. Creative writers dis¬cussed include Ramabai Espinet, Vikram Chandra, Rohinton Mistry, Chitra Banerjee Diva¬karuni, Nisha Ganatra, Jhumpa Lahiri, Kavery Nambisan, and Sarita Mandanna, along with the work of filmmakers (Mira Nair, Yash Chopra, Kabir Khan, Shuchi Kothari, Mandrika Rupa, Karan Johar, Sugu Pillay, Mallika Krishnamurthy, and Nisha Ganatra).

Wideranging and scholarly. Dwivedi’s edited collection on routes and representations of the Indian diaspora is a vital contribution to the growing critical discourse on this subject.
— Professor Janet Wilson, Northampton University, UK

Tracing the New Indian Diaspora is a significant contribution to the understanding of the positions and representations of the Indian diaspora, forcing us to re-examine our notions of location and dislocation, of home and the world, of belonging and alienation: in short, of the politics of the diaspora today.
— Professor GJV Prasad, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

Om Prakash Dwivedi is Assistant Professor in English at Taiz University, Yemen. His recent publications include The Other India: Narratives of Terror, Communalism and Violence (2012), Postcolonial Theory in the Global Age (co-ed. with Martin Kich, 2013), and a collection of short stories, The World to Come (2014).
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Weitere Infos & Material

“Introducing the New Indian Diaspora”, Om Prakash Dwivedi

Tracing the Indian Diaspora
“The Political PIO: Thoughts on the Political Impact of the Indian Diaspora”, Pierre Gottschlich
“Hambakhaya! Hambauyee Bombay! [Go Home! Go to Bombay!] – Challenges Facing South African Indians in the Post-Apartheid Era”, Brij Maharaj
“Indians in Malaysia, 1900–2010: Different Migration Streams, One Diaspora”, Amarji T Kaur
“The New Irish? Indian Diasporas in Ireland”, Louise Harrington
“Giving Back to India: Investment Opportunities and Challenges”, Anjali Sahay
“Certain Allegiances, Uncertain Identities: The Fraught Struggles of Dalits in Britain”, Meena Dhanda
“The Indian Diaspora in New Zealand: Identities and Cultural Representations”, Wardlow Friesen
“Finding Refuge in Culture: Race, Place, and Immigrant Identity in the Indian Diaspora”, Sunil Bhatia
“In Search of the ‘Children of the Wind’: A Journey to Chattisgarh”, Brij V. Lal

Literary Representations of the Indian Diaspora
“The Ecology of Disaster: A Reading of Divakaruni’s One Amazing Thing”, Chitra Sankaran
“Representations Juxtaposed: A Home Author and a Diasporic Author Depict Coorg”, Lisa Lau
“Love and Longing for Mumbai: Vikram Chandra’s Fiction and Bollywood Cinema”, Mari A Ridda
“Rifts and Riffs, Roots and Routes: Ramabai Espinet’s The Swinging Bridge”, Judith Misrahi–Barak
“Boundary-Marking in the Diaspora: An Analysis of Women Characters in Rohinton Mistry’s Family Matters”, Uma Jayaraman
“A Home of One’s Own: Gender, Family, and Nation in Indian-American Literature and Film”, Pranav Jani

Notes on Contributors

Om Prakash Dwivedi is Assistant Professor in English at Taiz University, Yemen. His recent publications include The Other India: Narratives of Terror, Communalism and Violence (2012), Postcolonial Theory in the Global Age (with Martin Kich, 2013), and a collection of short stories, The World to Come (2014).

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