Turner / Schieman | Stress Processes across the Life Course | Buch | 978-0-7623-1469-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 412 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 740 g

Turner / Schieman

Stress Processes across the Life Course

Buch, Englisch, 412 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 740 g

ISBN: 978-0-7623-1469-0
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Stress researchers have become increasing aware of the ways in which structural and psychosocial variations in the life course shape exposure and vulnerability to social stress. This volume of Advances in Life Course Research explores, theoretically and empirically, stress processes both within and across specific life stages. Chapters within this volume incorporate several areas of research, including:. How physical and mental health trajectories are shaped by life course variations in stressors and resources. Stress associated with social role transitions and the significance of different role trajectories for stress exposure and outcomes. Life course variations in the quality and content of institutional contexts (such as school, work and family) and their significance for stress processes. Differences in types, levels, and effects of different stress-moderating resources within and across life course stages. Ways in which race, gender, and social class influence or condition stress processes over the life course. The relevance of "linked lives� within families and across generations for stress exposure and vulnerability. Historical variations in stress-related conditions and cohort differences in stress experiences. Methodological and theoretical advances in studying stress processes across the life course
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Weitere Infos & Material

Turner, H.A. & Schieman, S. Introduction and Overview.
Umberson, D., Liu, H. & Reczek, C. Stress and Health Behavior Over the Life Course.
Mirowsky, J. & Schieman, S. Gender, Age, and the Trajectories and Trends of Anxiety and Anger.
McLeod, J.D. & Pavalko, E. From Selection Effects to Reciprocal Processes: What Does Attention to the Life Course Offer?
Adkins, D., Wang, V., & Elder, G. Stress Processes and Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms in Early Life: Gendered Development.
Falci, C. Gender Trajectories of Adolescent Depressed Mood:
The Dynamic Role of Stressors and Resources.
Wickrama, K. A. S., Conger, R., & Abraham, W. T. Early Family Adversity, Youth Depressive Symptom Trajectories, and Young Adult Socioeconomic Attainment: A Latent Trajectory Class Analysis.
Wheaton, B. & Reid, S. The Role of Timing vs. Duration in the Cumulative Work History Effects of Job Exits and Nonemployment on Women's Mental Health.
Avison, W. R., Davies, L., Willson, A. & Shuey, K. Family Structure and Mothers's Mental Health: A Life Course Perspective on Stability and Change.
Menaghan, E. G., & Cooksey, E. C. Well-Being at Mid-Life: Family Predictors of Continuity and Change.
Pudrovska, T., and Carr, D. Psychological Adjustment to Divorce and Widowhood in Mid- and Later Life: Do Coping Strategies and Personality Protect Against Psychological Distress?

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