Fernández Ubiña, José
José Fernández Ubiña was Professor of Ancient History at the University of Granada. He specialises in Historiography, Late Antiquity, and Early Christianity. He is author of Cristianos y militares. La Iglesia antigua ante el ejército y la guerra and editor of Historia del Cristianismo I. El Mundo Antiguo.
Aulisa, Immacolata
Immacolata Aulisa teaches at the University of Bari Aldo Moro. She is interested in the controversy between Jews and Christians, the Chris_x0002_tianization of southern Italy, the spread of the cult of St. Michael, and the foundation of Christian shrines. She is director of the Centre for Micaelian and Garganic Studies.
Ubric Rabaneda, Purificación
Purificación Ubric is lecturer of Ancient History at the University of Granada. She has been visiting scholar at Oxford, Harvard and Rome. Her main research interest lies in History of the Church and Barbarians in Late Antique Iberia. She has several publications and research projects on these subjects.
Bravo Castañeda, Gonzalo
Gonzalo Bravo is Professor of Ancient History at the Complutense University of Madrid and currently serves as Professor Emeritus of this university. His lines of research often include historiographical and theoretical contents, referring – with exception – to late Roman society and the transition to the Middle Ages.
Inglebert, Hervé
Hervé Inglebert is Professor at Paris Nanterre University. He is Co-director of the Nouvelle Clio collection and Director of the journal Antiquité tardive. His numerous publications on ancient and late antiquity historiography, such as Les Romains chrétiens face à l’histoire de Rome or Interpretatio Christiana, are references on this subject.
González-Salinero, Raúl
Raúl González-Salinero, Ph.D. (1997), University of Salamanca, is a Lecturer in Ancient History at UNED (Madrid). He has been a Visiting Scholar at the Universities of Parma, Sorbonne-Paris IV, Bari Aldo Moro, Cambridge, and Bologna. He specialises in the study of socio-religious conflicts in Late Antiquity and the origins of Christianity.
Fear, Andrew
Educated at Lancaster RGS and New College, Oxford, Andrew Fear is a lecturer in Ancient History at the University of Manchester. His research interests include ancient military history, the development of early Chris_x0002_tianity, and historiography. He has published an annotated translation of Orosius (in English) for Liverpool University Press.
Castillo Maldonado, Pedro
Pedro Castillo Maldonado is Professor of Ancient History at the University of Jaén. A specialist in Late Antiquity, he has published several monographs and studies on the cultural dynamics of the Iberian Peninsula in the Visigoth period, focusing on the hagiographic production and the church of this period.
Teja Casuso, Ramón
Ramón Teja is Emeritus Professor of Ancient History at the University of Cantabria and Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Bologna. Specialised in the history of Late Antiquity and the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire, he is the author of more than one hundred publications on these subjects.
Castellanos, Santiago
Santiago Castellanos is Professor of Ancient History at the University of León, Spain. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford, and guest research professor at the University of Notre Dame, USA. He is the author of Los godos y la cruz and The Visigothic Kingdom in Iberia.
Gabrielli, Chantal
Chantal Gabrielli holds two doctorates; currently she is Adjunct Professor of Latin Epigraphy at the University of Florence. She deals with the economic and social history of the Roman world, the historiography of the late republic and the prosopography of late ancient Hispania. She has written numerous essays and volumes.
Acerbi, Silvia
Graduated in Classical Philology at the University of Bologna, Silvia Acerbi is lecturer of Ancient History at the University of Cantabria. She has developed an extensive research activity, being the author of several monographs and almost a hundred of papers and book chapters.
Salvador Ventura, Francisco
Francisco Salvador Ventura is Professor of Ancient History at the University of Granada. His research interests are in Late Antiquity in Spain, in particular the Visigothic Kingdom, the historiography of this period, as well as the image of Antiquity in the audiovisual media.
Wood, Jamie
Jamie Wood is Professor of History and Education at the University of Lincoln. He has published on the historical writings of Isidore of Seville, bishops in Visigothic Hispania, and the social functions of violence in Late Antiquity. His current project explores political, economic, and religious connections between the Iberian Peninsula and the Byzantine world.
Kahlos, Maijastina
Maijastina Kahlos has the title of docent at the University of Helsinki and is a visiting fellow at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge (2021-22), and from autumn 2022 onwards a principal researcher at the University of Lisbon. She is the author of Religious Dissent in Late Antiquity, Forbearance and Compulsion: The Rhetoric of Tolerance and Intolerance in Late Antiquity and Debate and Dialogue: Christian and Pagan Cultures, c. 360–430.
Marzo, Laura
Laura Marzo is a PhD in Ancient History, specialised in History of Early Christianity. Authoress and editor of different school volumes, she deals with Latin Christian historiography of the late antique period. Currently, she works as a teacher of Latin language and literature at a high school in Rome.