Undergraduate Research & the Academic Librarian Volume 2 | Buch | 978-0-8389-3933-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 362 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Undergraduate Research & the Academic Librarian Volume 2

Case Studies and Best Practices, Volume 2

Buch, Englisch, 362 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-0-8389-3933-8
Verlag: American Library Association

“This second volume of Undergraduate Research & the Academic Librarian: Case Studies and Best Practices provides colleges and universities with a set of models that inspire and enrich undergraduate research, demonstrating the contributions of academic librarians to student success.”
—From the Foreword by Janice DeCosmo

Undergraduate research is a specific pedagogical practice with an impact on teaching and learning, and the definition of what counts as research continues to expand to include different types of projects, mentors, and institutions. Diversity, equity, and inclusion in librarians’ work with students and faculty are present and growing. Collaborations between faculty, librarians, and students are furthering student knowledge in new ways. This community and an awareness of students’ non-academic challenges demonstrate the library’s contribution to students’ overall sense of belonging within their institutions.
This second volume of Undergraduate Research & the Academic Librarian contains 22 new chapters that explore these expanded definitions of research and the changes wrought in the profession and the world in the intervening years. Five sections examine: - First-Year Undergraduate Research Models
- Cohort-Based Models
- Tutorials, Learning Objects, Services, and Institutional Repositories
- Course-Based Undergraduate Research Collaborations
- Building and Sustaining Programs 
Throughout the book you’ll find lesson plans, activities, and strategies for connecting with students, faculty, and undergraduate research coordinators in support of undergraduate engagement and success. Undergraduate Research & the Academic Librarian, Volume 2, captures both the big picture view of undergraduate research as well as the front-line work in the classroom, at the reference desk, and online.
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CHAPTER 1. Discovery: Libraries’ Roles in Research, Engagement, and Community-Building Through a Living-Learning Community
Sarah Johnson, Ingrid Ruffin, and Anna Sandelli
CHAPTER 2. Prelude to Undergraduate Research: Building a Research Foundation at a Community College
Joy Oehlers, Erica Dias, and Sheryl Shook
CHAPTER 3. One Step at a Time: Encouraging Early Undergraduates to Begin Their Research Journeys
Katherine Nelsen, Caitlin Bakker, Jody Kempf, Meghan Lafferty, Allison Langham-Putrow, and Kate Peterson
CHAPTER 4. Writing and Research Training Program: A UCLA Campus Partnership to Support BIPOC, LGBTQIA, and Disabled Student Researchers
Akua Agyen, Jason AraÚjo, Matthew Weirick Johnson, Simon Lee, Ashley Newby, Renee Romero, and Laurel Westrup
CHAPTER 5. Undergraduate Research Success with a Three-Mentor Model: A Case Study of a McNair Scholars Program
McKayla Bohannon, Ariana Watkins, and Amy Harris Houk
CHAPTER 6. Learning in a Community of Practice: The Research Fellows Program at Millersville University
Tatiana Pashkova-Balkenhol, Marilyn McKinley Parrish, and Melissa Gold
CHAPTER 7. Bridging Communities of Practice: Cross-Institutional Collaboration for Undergraduate Digital Scholars
R. C. Miessler, Clinton Baugess, Kevin Moore, Courtney Paddick, and Carrie Pirmann
CHAPTER 8. Summer Research Enrichment: An Asynchronous, Multi-Disciplinary, Scholarly Publishing Module
Michelle Price and Kristin Picardo
CHAPTER 9. Archiving Undergraduate Research: An Examination of an Institutional Repository’s Effect on a Sixty-Year Tradition
Meg Miner
CHAPTER 10. Filling the Gaps: Data and GIS Services for the Undergraduate Researcher
Annelise Sklar
CHAPTER 11. A Collaborative, Student-Centered Approach to Designing an Undergraduate Researcher Tutorial
Amanda Hornby, Jessica E. Salvador, Emilie K. Vrbancic, and Linda Whang
CHAPTER 12. Supporting Undergraduate Research: Self-Guided Instructional Resources for Research Poster Presentations
Camielle Crampsie, Emily Norton, Theresa Burress, and Timothy Henkel
CHAPTER 13. Writing the History of Spanish Studies at Hunter College: A Case Study of Original Archival Research by Undergraduate Students
Jennifer Newman and MarÍa HernÁndez-Ojeda
CHAPTER 14. Using Wikipedia and the ACRL Framework to Jumpstart Students’ Information Literacy Engagement
Bethany Mickel and Meridith Wolnick
CHAPTER 15. History Researchers as Digital Curators in the Archives: Incorporating Metaliteracy Learning Goals into a History Capstone Digital Humanities Project
Rachel Walton and Claire Strom
CHAPTER 16. Diving Into Infographics: Research Skills for Early Undergraduates in Global Environmental Science
Jonathan S. Young and Michael W. Guidry
CHAPTER 17. Community-Based Digital Escape Room: Placing College Students as Drivers for Change
Isabel Duque, Emily Andrea Sendin, and Nicholas Brejcha
CHAPTER 18. Directed Study Opportunities at the Library
Katherine Farmer
CHAPTER 19. Scalable, Flexible, and Scaffolded: Undergraduate Research Across a Multi-Faceted University Context
Hailley Fargo, Jennifer Jarson, Emily Mross, Christina Riehman-Murphy, and Rebecca Miller Waltz
CHAPTER 20. Five Years In: The Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship at The Ohio State University
Craig Gibson, Jennifer Schnabel, and Katherine Watson
CHAPTER 21. From Rookie to Researcher: Integrating Information Literacy into Undergraduate Research
Larissa Garcia, Dee Anna Phares, and Kimberly Shotick
CHAPTER 22. Connected, Integrated, Extended: How Digital Credentialing and Programmatic Design Enhanced and Empowered a Co-Curricular Research Skills Program
Amanda MacDonald, Anne M. Brown, and Marc Zaldivar

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