Vage / Iselid | News Search, Blogs and Feeds | Buch | 978-1-84334-602-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 258 Seiten, Gewicht: 470 g

Vage / Iselid

News Search, Blogs and Feeds

A toolkit

Buch, Englisch, 258 Seiten, Gewicht: 470 g

ISBN: 978-1-84334-602-9
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

This book is about news search and monitoring. Aimed at professionals with a strategic need of monitoring the surrounding world, users with a need to find the best news sources, monitoring services and news search strategies and techniques will benefit from reading this book. The main purpose is to present a practical handbook with an analysis of readily available tools, blending with passages of a theoretical nature. It is also useful for students at LIS programmes and related information programmes and for librarians and information professionals. The authors aim to aid the reader in reaching a greater understanding of the core in news search and monitoring.
Vage / Iselid News Search, Blogs and Feeds jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

List of figures

List of abbreviations


About the authors


Chapter 1: Introduction: the nature of news search


Discovering the power of news search

The concept of news and its relations

News published on the web vs printed news

Structured vs unstructured news content

The different types of news search tools

Chapter 2: Free news search



A short history of free news search

The best free news search engines

Other news search engines

Directories of news sites

Major newspapers with web archives

Broadcast news

News agencies

Press release wires

Scientific wires

Historical newspaper digitizing projects

Websites mentioned in this chapter

Chapter 3: Professional news search services



Advantages of professional search services

Advanced searching techniques

Search results

Search alerts

Client billing

Other fee-based services

Websites mentioned in this chapter

Chapter 4: News monitoring services



Describing news monitoring services

A short history of news monitoring services

The meaning of news monitoring services

Evaluating your monitoring service

Irrelevance in news monitoring services

Sample list of news monitoring and related services

Chapter 5: Evaluating news search tools



Frequency of spidering




Chapter 6: Keeping track of the blogosphere



What exactly is a blog?

The roots of blogging

The blog explosion

The blogosphere

The evolution of blog searching

The most important blog search engines

Blog directories

Websites mentioned in this chapter

Chapter 7: The power of RSS



A short history of RSS

What does RSS look like?

What is OPML?

Choosing an RSS reader

Using news aggregator software

RSS feeds - using pre-built and creating custom

Subscribing to podcasts

Websites mentioned in this chapter

Chapter 8: News discovery via social networking tools





Twingly microblog search engine

Directories of tweeters and similar services

Linking in microblogs

Topsy - a search engine powered by tweets

Memetrackers and similar tools

Digg and other social voting sites

Facebook for news and blog reading

Google Buzz

Websites mentioned in this chapter

Chapter 9: Concluding remarks


Further reading


Vage, Lars
Lars Våge is currently a librarian at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall for the department of Technology and Media. He is responsible for the subject of computer science, electrical engineering, informatics and statistics. Since 2001 he has maintained a blog reporting on search engines on the Internet,

Iselid, Lars
Lars Iselid is an Information Architect on the CS Library team at Teknihuset, a leading technical solution provider for digital libraries. He is a well-known blogger and search engine expert and also works as librarian at the Digital Library Department, Umeå University. Iselid is a popular speaker and trainer in such areas as information search, social media and search engine optimization. Since 2001 he has maintained a blog reporting on search engines on the Internet,

Lars Våge is currently a librarian at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall for the department of Technology and Media. He is responsible for the subject of computer science, electrical engineering, informatics and statistics.

Lars Iselid is an Information Architect on the CS Library team at Teknihuset, a leading technical solution provider for digital libraries. He is a well-known blogger and search engine expert and also works as librarian at the Digital Library Department, Umeå University. Iselid is a popular speaker and trainer in such areas as information search, social media and search engine optimization.

Together they have written and contributed to several books and journal articles for a Swedish audience. They continue to lecture on information searching, blogging, the invisible and the semantic web and have been invited to speak at conferences and worked as consultants. Since 2001 they have maintained a blog reporting on search engines on the Internet,

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