Verne / Doyle / Dickens | Lethal Sails - Complete Pirate Collection | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 11553 Seiten

Verne / Doyle / Dickens Lethal Sails - Complete Pirate Collection

History of Pirates, Trues Stories about the Most Notorious Pirates & Most Famous Pirate Novels

E-Book, Englisch, 11553 Seiten

ISBN: 859-654700521-6
Verlag: DigiCat
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: 6 - ePub Watermark

Lethal Sails - Complete Pirate Collection stands as a monumental anthology, weaving together the audacious spirits of adventure, the high seas, and the untamed frontiers navigated by pirates and sailors alike. This compilation boasts an impressive diversity of literary styles, ranging from the fast-paced action and deep psychological analyses to the intricate descriptions of maritime life and the moral ambiguities of piracy. The collection showcases the rich literary context of nautical fiction, highlighting the evolution of pirate tales from romanticized narratives to complex stories reflecting the ethical conundrums of loyalty, freedom, and the human condition. It includes standout pieces that have shaped the genre, offering readers a comprehensive look at the multifaceted portrayals of seafaring rogues and adventurers. The contributing authors, including iconic figures like Jules Verne, Edgar Allan Poe, and Arthur Conan Doyle, bring a wealth of cultural, historical, and literary insights to the anthology. These writers, hailing from the 19th to early 20th centuries, were instrumental in defining and popularizing the adventure and nautical fiction genres. Their collective work reflects an era fascinated with exploration, the clash of civilization and savagery, and the romance of the unknown. This anthology aligns with significant literary movements of the time, such as Romanticism's emphasis on emotion and individualism and Realism's focus on detailed depictions of everyday life, thereby enriching the reader's understanding of historical perspectives on piracy and adventure. Lethal Sails - Complete Pirate Collection is an indispensable volume for readers who cherish the thrill of adventure and the allure of the high seas. It offers a unique opportunity to explore the depth and breadth of pirate literature through the lenses of some of the most celebrated authors in history. This anthology not only serves as an educational tool but also as a testament to the enduring fascination with the lives of pirates and sailors. Readers are encouraged to delve into this collection to experience the full spectrum of human emotion, from the darkest depths of greed and betrayal to the luminous heights of loyalty and courage. It is a treasure trove of narrative richness, waiting to be discovered and explored.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Jules Verne (1828-1905), a prominent French novelist, poet, and playwright, is often hailed as one of the forefathers of science fiction. Born in Nantes, France, Verne channeled his early fascination with travel and adventure into his writing. His prodigious body of work, renowned for its prescient depictions of technological advancements, is encapsulated within the 'Voyages extraordinaires' series, a collection of more than fifty novels including seminal works such as 'Journey to the Center of the Earth' (1864), 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea' (1870), and 'Around the World in Eighty Days' (1873). Verne's narratives combined meticulous research and imaginative extrapolation, a literary style that allowed readers to voyage through implausible realms while remaining anchored in scientific plausibility. 'Lethal Sails - Complete Pirate Collection' is not a title directly attributed to Verne, which might suggest it is either a pastiche or compilation inspired by Verne's exploration of seafaring adventures, similar in theme to his 'The Mysterious Island' (1874) and 'The Adventures of Captain Hatteras' (1866). Celebrated and studied extensively, Verne's contribution to literature extends to his influence on subsequent generations of writers and his induction as one of the 'Immortals' of the Académie française posthumously, signifying his lasting standing within the literary canon.

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