Village Economics | Buch | 979-8-7657-0561-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 277 Seiten, Paperback

Village Economics

A Storybook on Economic Theories

Buch, Englisch, 277 Seiten, Paperback

ISBN: 979-8-7657-0561-2
Verlag: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company

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Village Economics: A Storybook on Economic Theoriestakes a unique academic approach to teaching economics - a subject that helps explain how the world works. What makes it unique is that it has been written in a storybook format. The author believes that by putting economic theories in stories, readers tend to understand them more easily and remember them.Village Economics: A Storybook on Economic Theoriesis designed for college Economics students and anyone interested in learning about this fascinating subject. As this story progresses, readers will discover important economic theories as they take place in an ancient village by the sea.Joseph the shoemaker and the rest of the characters in this story find out what readers may have already noticed in their world—if readers look for them, they will see economic theories take place around them every day.Village Economics: A Storybook on Economic Theoriestakes readers on a fun journey through these important concepts in Economics: - Gross Domestic Product: what it is, why it matters and how it is measured.
- Scarcity: what we all face every day; limited budgets and unlimited desires.
- Trade: it is important because you cannot produce everything you need.
- Supply and Demand: a simple explanation of what drives consumer purchases and production.
- Elasticity of Demand: why you are extremely sensitive or not so sensitive to price changes.
- Market Structures: how to identify them and understand how they work.
- Consumer Behavior: an explanation of what goes on inside every consumer purchasing decision.
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