Wächter | The Capitalist Economy and its Prosthetics | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, 532 Seiten, Format (B × H): 148 mm x 225 mm

Reihe: Edition transcript

Wächter The Capitalist Economy and its Prosthetics

Necessity, Evolution and Dilemmas of a Brotherhood

E-Book, Englisch, 532 Seiten, Format (B × H): 148 mm x 225 mm

Reihe: Edition transcript

ISBN: 978-3-7328-7278-7
Verlag: transcript
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Wasserzeichen (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Notwithstanding its ruthless dynamics, the capitalist economy has the flaw of deficient employment-generating spending. This leads to unemployment of non-owners, individual suffering, social unrest and it undermines military strength. To deal with these issues, states use prosthetic policies, artificial transfers to the productive economy and to non-owners. But the funding of such prosthetic policies - through violent wealth appropriation abroad, protectionism, war, domestic expropriation and taxation, debt and money creation - is caught in dilemmas, while politicians are caught between non-solutions. According to Gerhard H. Wächter, the history of capitalist society is largely the history of this dilemmatic brotherhood.
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Wächter, Gerhard H.
Gerhard H. Wächter, born in 1955, is a business lawyer in Berlin, specializing in M&A and M&A-Litigation, and a law professor at Leipzig University. He did his doctorate on the theory and history of criminal law with Klaus Lüderssen at Frankfurt's Goethe University, and studied with Niklas Luhmann at Bielefeld University and Stanley Diamond at the New School for Social Research in New York, before he worked with an international law firm, the German Treuhandanstalt and ultimately founded his own law firm in 1992.

Gerhard H. Wächter, born in 1955, is a business lawyer in Berlin, specializing in M&A and M&A-Litigation, and a law professor at Leipzig University. He did his doctorate on the theory and history of criminal law with Klaus Lüderssen at Frankfurt's Goethe University, and studied with Niklas Luhmann at Bielefeld University and Stanley Diamond at the New School for Social Research in New York, before he worked with an international law firm, the German Treuhandanstalt and ultimately founded his own law firm in 1992.

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