Walsh / Breznick / Adelson | Start Your Own Information Consultant Business: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Success | Buch | 978-1-932156-73-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 173 mm x 226 mm, Gewicht: 215 g

Walsh / Breznick / Adelson

Start Your Own Information Consultant Business: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Success

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 173 mm x 226 mm, Gewicht: 215 g

ISBN: 978-1-932156-73-7
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

Many business people need critical information but don't know where to find it. Sure, it's readily available on the Internet, but most businesspeople don't have the time or staff to wade through a million Web pages searching for hard-to-find information.That's where the information consultant comes in. If you're a whiz at tracking down information online or in libraries, database or government archives, why not use your skills to start your own information consultant business?This step-by-step guide shows you how to become an information consultant and make big money helping corporations, institutions and even other small businesses answer questions about industry trends, developments, mergers, markets and other topics. This book provides all the tools you need to start, run and grow your own profitable business, including: - Tips on identifying markets, establishing pricing and promoting your business - Cost-cutting ideas, common mistakes to avoid and lists of helpful resources - Useful sample forms, checklists and work sheets to guide you through every aspect of the startup process - Secrets for quickly finding valuable Web sites that most people don't know about - Tricks for distinguishing reliable information resources from bogus ones Looking to profit from your ace fact-finding skills? This book, part of Entrepreneur magazine's highly regarded Startup Series, is your key to success!
Walsh / Breznick / Adelson Start Your Own Information Consultant Business: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Success jetzt bestellen!

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Adelson, Rachel
McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide

Walsh, George
McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide

Breznick, Alan
McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide

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