Walshe / Smith | Healthcare Management | Buch | 978-0-335-24382-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 172 mm x 241 mm

Walshe / Smith

Healthcare Management

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 172 mm x 241 mm

ISBN: 978-0-335-24382-2
Verlag: Open University Press

"This is an outstanding book that provides the concepts and tools necessary to enable healthcare managers and policy makers to build better health care systems. The book maintains the strengths of the first edition … and adds new chapters and updated content throughout to make the book more international and comprehensive in its coverage of topics."

Tom Rundall, Professor of Organised Health Systems, University of California at Berkeley, USA

"This book covers the main areas of knowledge which managers need, and gives tools for thinking and empirical examples relevant to current challenges. Evidence based management might not always be possible, but this book gives a way for a manager to become research-informed and therefore more effective."

Professor John Øvretveit, Director of Research, The Karolinska Institute, Sweden

This popular book is amongst the most comprehensive textbooks on healthcare management available. Written with healthcare managers, professionals and students in mind, it provides an accessible guide to healthcare systems, services, organisations and management. Key areas include:

- Allocating resources for healthcare: setting and managing priorities

- Health technologies, research and innovation

- Internationalisation of health systems and policies

- Healthcare services: structure and delivery

- Chronic disease and integrated care

- Healthcare leadership and networks: incentives, governance and performance

The new edition features an updated structure to support teaching and learning and thirteen new chapters which draw upon a wealth of experience from leading international experts in the field. This includes references to practical policy and case study materials, chapter summaries focusing on key points, self-assessment learning exercises, further reading and links to useful web-based resources.

Healthcare Management is valuable reading for students and healthcare professionals involved in management, research and health policy making. The links between the theory and practice of healthcare management are skilfully explored and the authors show how best practice within healthcare systems can be maintained. Contributors

Vidhya Alakeson, Ruth Boaden, Jeffrey Braithwaite, Iain Buchan, Mirella Cacace, Naomi Chambers, Elaine Clark, Helen Dickinson, Jennifer Dixon, Barrie Dowdeswell, Jon Glasby, Scott Greer, Anthony Harrison, Paula Hyde, Valerie Iles, Ann Mahon, Russell Mannion, Anne McBride, Andrew McCulloch, Shirley McIver, Matt Muijen, Ellen Nolte, James Raftery, Suzanne Robinson, Rebecca Rosen, Judith Smith, Helen Sullivan, Anne Tofts, Kieran Walshe, Iestyn Williams, Juliet Woodin and Steve Wright.
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Weitere Infos & Material



Introduction: the current and future challenges of healthcare management

Part 1: Health systems

The politics of healthcare and the health policy process: implications for healthcare management

Financing healthcare: funding systems and healthcare costs

Allocating resources for healthcare: setting and managing priorities

Research, innovation and health technology assessment

Health and well-being: the wider context for healthcare management

Global health policy: governing health systems across borders

Part 2: Healthcare services

Healthcare services: strategy, direction and delivery

Primary healthcare

Chronic disease and integrated care

Acute care: elective and emergency, secondary and tertiary

Mental health

Social care

Part 3: Healthcare organizations

Purchasing healthcare

Buildings, facilities and equipment

Informatics for healthcare systems

The healthcare workforce

User perspectives and involvement

Part 4: Healthcare management and leadership

Leadership and governance

Personal and organizational development in healthcare

Managing change

Managing resources

Managing people

Quality improvement in healthcare

Managing performance

Managing strategic collaboration

Evidence-based decision making for managers


Kieran Walshe is professor of health policy and management at Manchester Business School, director of the National Institute for Health Research service delivery and organisation research programme and a board member of the European Health Management Association.

Judith Smith is head of policy at the Nuffield Trust in London, and holds visiting senior academic posts at the University of Birmingham, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

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