Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volumes 300-301, 1800 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g
Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volumes 300-301, 1800 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g
Reihe: Applied Mechanics and Materials
ISBN: 978-3-03795-420-1
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).
The papers are grouped as follows:
Chapter 1: Manufacturing Technology and Processes, Design, Modelling, Simulation and Mechanical Engineering;
Chapter 2: Robotic, Automation, Sensors, Detection and Monitoring Technologies;
Chapter 3: Development Elecrtonics, Networks, Information Technology and Algorithms in Systems Applications;
Chapter 4: Mechanics, Thermal and Dynamics Systems, Vibration, Noise, Applied Mechanics and Numerical Simulation Applications;
Chapter 5: Materials Science and Technology, Material Manufacturing Processes;
Chapter 6: Control System Modeling and Applications;
Chapter 7: Developments in Medical Technologies and Images Processing Technologies.
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Produktionstechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Sonstige Technologien | Angewandte Technik Signalverarbeitung, Bildverarbeitung, Scanning
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Maschinenbau Mechatronik, Mikrosysteme (MEMS), Nanosysteme
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Elektronik Robotik
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Nachrichten- und Kommunikationstechnik Regelungstechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Technische Mechanik | Werkstoffkunde
- Technische Wissenschaften Technik Allgemein Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Sonstige Technologien | Angewandte Technik Medizintechnik, Biomedizintechnik
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Informatik Bildsignalverarbeitung
Weitere Infos & Material
Simulation of Microbubbles Drag Reduction on Nonsmooth Surface with Hydrophobic PropertyThe Research on Rake-Car?s Driving System of Ore ReclaimerThe Sequence Injection Analysis of Automobile Air Inlet Grille Plastic PartResearch on the Simulation of Self-Synchronization of Dual Mass for Vibrating System with Two-Motor DrivesCurrent Situation of and Development Strategy for Non-Road Multi-Cylinder Diesel Engine with a Small PowerEffect of End of Injection Angle on Performance and Emission Formation for a Gasoline EngineMechanical Performance Simulation Model Based on PDMHierarchical Pipe System Disassembly Sequence Planning by Dynamic Self-Adaptive Tree Based Motion PlanningDevelopment of Hydraulic Oil-Fired Deicing System for Aircraft Deicing VehicleArchitecture Design and Realization for Virtual Manufacturing Oriented CAPP SystemAGV Scheduling Optimizing Research of Collaborative Manufacturing System Based on Improved Genetic AlgorithmAerodynamic Characteristics Analysis of High-Speed Train on Cutting under CrosswindsInvestigation on the Simulation of Nonlinear Switch Load in Three Phase Coordinate SystemResearch of Chaotic Phenomenon for a Synchronous Reluctance MotorCMMI Based System Software Process for Industrial Manufacturing SystemA Knowledge Based Approach for Product Variant DesignThe Dynamic Software Development Process for Industrial Manufacturing SystemDeveloping an Audio News System Based on AndroidDynamics Analysis and Power Allocation Strategy Research for a New Hybrid Electric Urban Rail VehicleMultidisplinary Optimization of Crank-Link Mechanism of HCPE Based on iSIGHTExperimental Study on Combustor Outlet Temperature Field of Gas TurbineResearch on Low Voltage Ride-Through Technique in DD-PMSG Wind Power Generator System3D Reconstruction Method of Bent Tube with NURBS CurveComparison of LES and RANS Models in Compartment Fires SimulationWSN System Based on Weight Adjust for Machinery Manufacturing Machine MonitoringBlanking of Plastic Forming Simulation and Analysis Based on the DEFORMStudy on Simulation of Ocean Wave Generation System Based on SIMULINKSingle-Row Facility Layout Based on Manufacturing CostsShip Cabin Layout Optimization Design Based on the Improved Genetic Algorithm MethodExperiment Research and Model on Drilling Force of CFRPRetrieval and Clustering for Multiple Disciplines Design Knowledge Based on Ontology and SemanticThe Simulation Study for Energy-Absorbing Properties of the Railway Vehicle?s Anti-Climber with Different Vertical OffsetsThe Study of Marine Gas Turbine Power System Simulation Software DevelopmentFault Tree Analysis of Vehicle Engine Lubricating Oil?s FailureInstantaneous Storage Availability Model: Considering Spare Parts Degradation before ReplacementExperimental Research on Parameters Identification of Dynamic Characteristic for Parallel Machine ToolExperimental Study of Atomization Characteristic of Air Blast AtomizerShort-Term Wind Speed Forecasting Based on Optimizated Support Vector MachineSimulation of Toothpaste Flavor Transportation in Oral and Nasal Cavity during RespirationTheory and Technique on Design of Extended Range in Solar Powered Intellective VehiclesA CO2 Laser CameraThe Simulation Analysis of a Micro Electromagnetic Harvester Based on Vibration EnergyOptimal Channel Choice under Stochastic Demand with Multiplicative and Additive ShocksStudy of V/H/J of Pointing-Lapping for Hypoid GearsFinite Element Analysis and Optimal Design of Frictional RollerOptimization of Loss Models for Centrifugal Compressor Performance Prediction Based on Numerical Analysis ResultsConversion CL Data to NC Data Using an Instinctive Method for Non-Orthogonal Table-Type 5 Axis MachinesThe Evaluation for Technological Innovation Capability during Product Development of Auto Parts EnterprisesFinite Element Simulation of the Artificial Knee-Joints of Similar Type PairingModeling Methods of Cylindrical Surface Form Error by Precision Turning for AssemblyAnalysis on Milling Force Based on AdvantEdge FEMDiscussion on Modeling Approach of 3-Dimensional Models Based on Web3DSimulation of Two Dimensional Nanoscale Cutting Copper by Quasi-Steady Molecular Statics MethodResearch on the Starting Characteristics of the Linear Engine System Using the Eccentric-Slider Starting SystemNew Collaboration between Engineer and Product Feature Generation in Industrial PLM SystemsVertical Tail Topology Optimization Design Based on the Variable Density Method with Constraint FactorStructural Drag Reduction in Taylor-Couette FlowSimulation Research on Vibration of Valve Mechanism for Diesel Engine Based on AMESimSimulation of Deployment Process of Junction BoxThe Research and Development of VB and Solidworks-Based 3D Fixture Component LibraryDesign and Optimization of Electromagnetic Structures for Linear ISG Used in Range-Extended Electric VehicleMultiple Momentum Term BP Algorithm and its Application in Hot Rolling AGC SystemVariant Design Method of Series Products Based on SkeletonConstruction of the Information Model of Ancient Architecture Components Based on BIM - A Case Study of Bracket SetsThe Research on Traction Simulation for a New Hybrid Power TrainDesign of Hybrid Electric Bus on Regenerative Braking SystemDesign of 3D Modeling for the New Wave Power Generation Device and TestThe Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis Research Based on Improved Hilbert-Huang TransformationBiomimically Leg-Kinematics on Walking RobotsThe Design and Implementation of Hexa-Rotor Aerial RobotA Low-Cost Stewart Platform for a Radio TelescopeElectro-Mechanical Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic SystemAnalysis on Energy Efficiency of a Rolling-Jumping RobotImplementation of a High-Precision Ultrasonic Rain GaugeDevelopment of the Escaping Programming System for Fire EnvironmentDesign of Small Laser Tracking System Based on Four-Quadrant DetectorDesign and Implementation Based on ADXL213 of the Digital InclinometerAdaptive Interacting Multiple Model Unscented Particle Filter for Dynamic Acoustic ArrayExquisite Design of a CCD Analog Front End ModuleApproximate Analytical Solutions of the Pull-In Behavior of an Electrostatically Actuated Clamped-Clamped Micro-BeamThree-Dimensional Structure Trajectory Guiding Scan and Points Cloud RegistrationDigital Closed Loop Fiber-Optic Current Sensor Based on Integrated Optical Phase ModulatorDynamic Analysis of Eyeball Mechanism on Android RobotsVision Sensor Application for Intelligent Polishing Robotic CellDevelopment of Intelligent Fire Detection Module Using Optic-SensorsHighway Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Quality Evaluation Methods DiscussionMotion Planning of Lineclimber, a Robot for Inspection of Transmission LinesDesign of Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System for Marine Working PlatformLower Distortion in Trajectory Planning for a Rigid-Flexible Manipulator Based on PSO AlgorithmShielding Method for the Capacitive Touch-SensorStudy on Fault-Tolerant Method of Mobile Robot Integrated NavigationA Study of Robot Car Positioning System in Small Area Based on Optical Mouse SensorModeling and Development of a Robotized Hand-Hold Bone Cutting DeviceResearch on Real-Time Vision Detection Method for Sanitary LabelsMonitoring System with Wireless Sensor Network: A SurveyThe Indoor Automatic Guided Vehicle with an IR Positioning and Low-Cost Inertial Navigation SystemAnalysis of Underwater Wet Welding Seam Forming Based on Arc Sensor InformationResearch of Facular Energy Distribution for Pulsed Laser Tracking SystemRobot Fish with Novel Wire-Driven Continuum Flapping PropulsorThe Summary on Robot Moving PlatformTarget Searching of Mobile Robots Using Improved A* Searching AlgorithmFast and Accurate Event Detection Based on Wireless Sensor Networks Using Fuzzy Logic MethodThe Unbalance Current Effect Caused by Non-Uniform Inductors in the Multi Phase Converter with a Single Current SensorThe Design of Permanent Magnetic Adhesion System for Wall-Climbing RobotComparison of the On-Line Power Detection and Prediction SystemThe Modeling and Simulation of Hexa-Rotor Aerial RobotApplication of Conductive Rubber Filled by Carbon Black for 3-D Force MeasurementAn On-Line Monitoring System of Temperature Field in TireThe Best Path Planning of Home Care Robot by Building a Conceptual CBR FrameworkDesign and Analysis of a Non-Vision-Based System for Detecting Unstable GaitApplication of Mobile Robot System for Cell ProductionImplementation of Sun Tracking for Solar Cell with Maximum Power Point TrackingConstruct Small-Scale Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Monitoring System by Wireless Sensor NetworksBattlefield Awareness Network Research Based on Intelligence Role Division and Wireless Sensor NetworkDesign and Fabrication of Micro-Coil Sensor Array by Using UV-LIGA ProcessMonitoring of Human Driver Behavior by Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction for Transportation Safety ManagementStructural Optimization of MEMS-Based Hydrophones with Perforated Active MembraneFault Detection of Robot Control Systems Based on Available Wireless Network MeasurementsThe Research And Design of Wireless Coal Mine Safety Network Monitoring System On The Basis of ZigBeeWireless Power and Information Synchronous Transmission Technology Based on Magnetic ResonanceA New Adaptive Square-Root Unscented Kalman Filter for Nonlinear SystemsNear-Optimality in Stochastic Control of an Capital Accumulation System with Markovian Switching and Poisson JumpsThe Study on the Calculation Method of Bin Actual Coverage Based on the GPU AccelerationFault Diagnosis Method of Time Domain and Time-Frequency Domain Based on Information FusionComprehensive Evaluation of Regional Grid Development Level of China under the Smart Grid ConstructionA Mixed-Integer Memetic Algorithm Applied to Batch Process OptimizationMethod of Data Transmission for Penetration Information Based on Flexible Connecting CableA Method to Ascertain Parameters of Samples and their Feature Weights in the Weighted Fuzzy ClusteringThe Research of Particle Swarm Algorithm Based on Heuristic Rules for the Layout of Airplane Equipment CabinThe Web Service Framework for SaaS in Cloud Computing EnvironmentPorting RT-Thread to Cortex-M3 ProcessorIdentification of Precision Positioning Stage Based on ARX ModelA New Approach to Flat Form Error and Contact Error AnalysisHydraulic Balance Optimization Calculation and Experimental Research on Model of Fluid Network SystemThe Identification of Quality Attributes for SaaS in Cloud ComputingDesign and Implementation of Virtual Maintenance Training System Based on Ngrain Aviation EquipmentSimulation Test System of CCD Signal Processor Based on FPGAThe Supplier Management Problems and Analyses of The Mechatronic Manufacturing EnterprisesOptimization of Flapper Compliant Mechanism Using Fuzzy Logic Combined Taguchi MethodFault Diagnosis Method of Rolling Bearing Based on Ensemble Local Mean Decomposition and Neural NetworkA Robust P300-Speller Brain-Computer Interface Based on Kernel PCAA Novel Improved Algorithm of Radial Feature Code ExtractionEmbedded Machine Vision System Design Based on Davinci DM355A Novel Fuzzy Clustering Method with No Outliers InfluenceDynamic License Plate Localization for Vehicles on Multi-lane Using Single CameraApplication of Weighted Projection PM Algorithm in Estimation of DOAResearch on Wavelet Compression and Reconstruction of Wind Turbine Vibration SignalSystem-Reliability Evaluation Based on Series Chain Model under Exponential DistributionA New Method for the Eigenvalue Problem of Structures with Uncertain-but-Non-Random ParametersNumerical Investigation on the Effects of Sample Wire Motion in a Tube FurnaceApplication of Ghost Body-Cell Method on Adaptively Refined Cartesian Grid in Computational Fluid DynamicsThe Study of Blockages Effect at Leading Edge on Rectangular Cavity in Subsonic Flow Using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)Axial Deformation of Ball Screw Considering Contact AngleA Study of Experimental Method for Mechanical Properties of Solid Propellant under Hydrostatic Compressive LoadingThermal Analysis of Heating System in Thermosonic Bonding ProcessAnalysis of Incidence of Rail Failure and Track Composite Irregularity State ForecastSymmetrical Dynamic Propagation Problems of Mode III Interface CrackApplications of Statistical Energy Analysis in Influencing Factors Analysis of Aircraft Vibro-Acoustic Response CharacteristicsFinite Proximate Method for Simulating Flood Propagation in Complicated River Channel and Flood Detention AreaTool Orientation Planning for Four-Axis CNC MachinesOptimum Design of Rubber Isolator Based on Nonlinear Finite Element MethodInfluence of Liquid Paraffins in Crude Oil on the Friction and Wear Behaviors of the Progressing Cavity Pump`s Stator RubberThe Beauty of Molecule MotionShort-Term Wind Speed Forecasting by Using Chaotic Theory and SVMA Research on Gaussian Process Based Feature ExtractionAn Experiment Based Reach Model for Fighter Cockpit DesignUsing DOProC Method in Structural Reliability AssessmentFatigue Analysis for the Aircraft Landing Gear Connecting PartsResearch on the Pressure-Measuring Uncertainty of Standard Internal Crusher GaugeMechanical Property Parameters Prediction of Tube Based on RBF Neural NetworkSize Effect on Pull-In Behaviors of Electrostatically Actuated Cantilever Micro-BeamsNumerical Analysis of Bubble Motion Characteristics within Vertical Rectangular Micro ChannelsThe Noise Source Localization of Industrial Sewing Machine by NAH MethodStructural Design of Primary Mirror Subassembly for Space TelescopeFinite Element Numerical Simulation Computation of Kitchen Units under the Condition of Stacking and Horizontal Controlled ImpactPZT Acoustic Energy Harvester Arrays with Dual Top ElectrodesReal-Time Monitoring for Vehicle Brake Temperature Rise in Continuous Long DownhillMulti-Physical Analysis of Eddy Current Damper (ECD) for Reaction Force Compensation DeviceMobility Deposition Effect of Aerosol Particles in the Boundary LayerResearch on the Theories of Self-Synchronization of Dual Mass for Vibrating System with Two-Motor DrivesStudy of Thermal Management System for a Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Numerical SimulationInvestigation of the Magnetic Signals for the Ferromagnetic Components after Tensile Fatigue under Weak Magnetic ExcitationThe Over-Range Collocation Method for Nonlinear AnalysesFoundation Pit Excavation on Surrounding Buildings Effect AnalysisExperimental Estimation of Shear Wave Velocity Profile Using MASW Method and Inversion TechniqueRough Road Identification Method Based on Engine Speed Variation RateIndependent Velocity Measurement of Small Underwater High-Speed Moving Body Based on External TurbineHarmonic Analysis of the High-Speed Winder with Unbalance MassesAnalysis of Modal Properties of Spur Planetary GearsThe Field Inspection and Research of Related Problems about a Kind of Non-API Thread ConnectionsAnalysis of Bifurcations for a Functionally Graded Materials PlateResearch on the Random Vibration Cumulative Fatigue Damage Life Based on the Finite Element AnalysisSimulation Research on Motion Law of Arresting Hook during LandingNovel Equivalent Circuit Model for Spiral Inductors on Lossy Silicon SubstrateAnalysis for the Syngas Composition of GasifierDesign of Amplifying Circuit for Receiving Weak Signal for Laser FuzeDetermination of Stator Temperature Distribution for a Synchronous MachineResearch on Heat Transfer Regulation of Power-Split Hybrid Electric Vehicle under Silent Watch OperationWind Tunnel Experiment and Numerical Simulation of the Pressure Distribution on a Sedan Exterior SurfaceAerodynamic Design and Numerical Simulation Analysis of a Passenger Car?s Defrosting DuctThe Research of Impeller Used in Wave Energy Power Generate EquipmentFree Torsional Vibration Characteristics of a Closed-Form Planetary Gear SetExperimental Study of Capillary Radiant Cooling System with Parameters ChangingThe Influence of Wheel Rotating to FSAE Racing Car Aerodynamic CharacteristicsSpectral Clustering Algorithm of Uncertain ObjectsAn Improved Single-Phase Free-Surface Lattice Boltzmann Model with Surface Tension and Wall AdhesionThe Fatigue Simulation Analysis of Customized Implanted Titanium Plate for Human Mandible Bone ReconstructionInfluence Analysis of Blade Fracture on Hydrodynamic Performance of Ducted Propellers Based on CFDExperimental Study on the Durability Performance of PPS Filter MediaSettlement Deformation Evaluation Method of High-Speed Railway Cutting under Rebound EffectEffect of Sample Size of Needle Felt on its Strength MeasurementEffect of Bolt Hole Residual Stresses on Fatigue Performance of Truck Frame Rail StructuresStudy on the Temperature Field of U75V Rail in the Cooling Process Based on ANSYSShaft Vibration Signal Denoising Based on Wavelet AnalysisXFEM Based Analysis of the Crack Tip Stress Fields on a Three-Point Bending SpecimenP-SS Algorithm for Solving the Eigenvalue Problem of Finite Element SystemComparative Study of the Flow in a Differentially Heated Cavity Using Thermal Lattice Boltzmann MethodAccuracy of Stress Analysis Using Numerical Integration of Elastic Half-SpaceContinuum Aeroelastic Model and Flutter Analysis for a Variable-Span Morphing WingMeshing Method of Calculating Water-Entry Flow Field at High SpeedDesign Method of Dynamic Similarity of the Rotor-Bearing SystemInfluence of Passive Joint Damping on Modal Space Decoupling for a Class of Symmetric Spatial Parallel MechanismsSize Effect on Buckling Behaviors of Gradient Elastic Slender ColumnsA Comparison of Two Accelerated Degradation Models with Temperature and Humidity as Accelerating StressesResearch on Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Polyphenylene Sulfide Filter MediaSensitivity and Linearity Measuring of Micro-Gyroscope Based on Dynamic AnalysisThe Research on the Influences of Exhaust Noise and Engine Performances by Using Cracking Sound Attenuation CouplerStudy on Viscoelastic Plastic Damage Model for Mica-Quartzose SchistMagnetism and Solid Coupling Vibration of Stator Double-Shell System of Asynchronous MachineStudy and Simulation of Dead-Time Compensation for the Voltage Source SVPWM InverterExistence of Solutions for Elliptic Equation with Critical Sobolev ExponentDesign of Improved Disturbance Observer for Stabilized Platform Servo SystemResearch of Socket Welds Vibration Fatigue Resistance and Application of Wavelet Transform Method in Damage DetectionReliability Study about the Approximation Methods of Censored Data in FatigueAnalysis of Non-Standard Gear Contact Fatigue LifeNonlinear Dynamic Analysis for the New Whole-Spacecraft Passive Vibration IsolatorStudy on the Influence of Gravity Factor on Parametric Resonance of Pipe Conveying FluidA Precision CNC Turn-Mill Machining Center with Gear Hobbing CapabilityImprovement in Elastic Modulus of MWCNT/Epoxy NanocompositesResearch on Friction and Wear Behavior of Rubber in the Mixture of Crude Oil with WaterEffect of (NaPO3)6 on Sea Water Corrosion Resistance of Micro-Arc Oxidation Ceramic Coatings Formed on Pure AluminumApproach to Steel-Bamboo Composite Structure SystemThe Analysis of the Experiment of Polarized Light in Uniaxial Dichroism CrystalCloning and Expression of ?-Glucosidase Gene from Bacillus pumilusThe Application and Analysis of the Risk Assessment Model about BLEVE AccidentInfluence of Pattern Coating Thickness on Porosity and Mechanical Properties of Lost Foam Casting of Al-Si (LM6) AlloyCurrent Characteristics of AlGaN/AlN Ultraviolet Photodetector with Metal-Semiconductor-Metal StructureStudy on the Mechanical Properties of ABS Enhanced by Magnesium Hydroxide WhiskersResearch on Fine Particles Capture of Baghouse Filter MediaInfluence of Repeated Quenching-Tempering on Fisheye Cracks around Tin and Al2O3 Inclusions in SAE 52100 SteelDiscrete Element Method Simulation of Residual Stresses in Grinding of Granite with Single Diamond GrainCharacteristics of Stress Distribution of Micro-Cantilever of Polycrystalline Copper at the Pull-in VoltageThe Effect of the Stirring with a Large Size of Stirrer on Formation of the Composite Joint Reinforced with SiC ParticleAnalysis of Application of New Photochromic Materials in Design of KindergartenReinforcement of Polypropylene Using Micro-FillersEvaluation of Gamma Radiation on NR/PHBV BlendsEffect of Lanthanum Nitrate on Titanium Alloys Ceramic Membrane Formed by Micro-Arc OxidationEvaluation of Cadmium Contamination in the Sediments of Northern Kaohsiung Harbor, TaiwanExperiment Investigation on Two Filter Medias for Air FiltrationSelective Glycine Polymorph Crystallization by Using Silver NanoparticlesExperimental Study of Bamboo Fiber Cushion Packaging Materials for the Express PackagingPolypyrrole Actuator Operating Characteristicsin Electrolyte Solution Mixed with MethanolElectroosmotic Flow Pump on Transparent Polyimide Substrate Fabricated Using Hot EmbossingImproved Performances of All-Polyimide Fluidic Devices Using Thermal NanoimprintingValveless Micropumps with Dual Polyimide DiaphragmsFabrication of Au Micro-Electrodes on Polyimide Films Using Transfer Printing TechniquesSingle-Ball Rolling Contact Fatigue of 13Cr-2Ni-2Mo Stainless Steels Quenched by Induction Heating MethodExperimental Study on the Fatigue Properties and Reliability for the Steel of Elastic Oil SumpEvaluation of the Status of Copper Contamination of Surface Sediments of Jen-Gen River Estuary, TaiwanOrdered Melanin Film Fabricated by the Self-Assembly TechniqueAn Interpolation Algorithm Based on S-Curve Feedrate Profile and Look-Ahead FunctionResearch on Compensation Method of Coupled Error in High-Precision Micro-Machining ProcessAn Intelligent Cruise Controller for High-Speed Train Operation Based on Fuzzy Neural Network TheoryAdaptive Backstepping Stopping Control of Urban Rail VehicleA Digital Peak Current-Mode Control PFC with Bifurcation ControlRobust Control Design and Analysis Using SCILABSpacecraft Attitude Tracking Using Second-Order Sliding Mode Control via BacksteppingQuasi-Sliding Mode Control for Impulsive Delayed Vehicle Longitudinal Following System with Bounded and Varying ParametersDesign and Implementation of Adaptive Fuzzy Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller for Direct Torque Control SystemPhysical Modeling of Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition and Detonation ControlMultidisciplinary Design Optimization of a High-Flow Control ValveResearch on Hydraulic Pitch-Control System of Wind TurbineDesign of Five Axis Cooperation Machine Based on Motion Control BoardDesign on the Bearing Forging Spray Cooling Control DeviceA Touch-Based Wheelchair Control Interface: Concept and ImplementationStudy on Predictive Control Technology Based on Disturbance of Electrically Heated BoilerPrecise Angle Control of Electromechanical Actuator with Fuzzy PID and Genetic AlgorithmDesign and Simulation of Fuzzy-PID Vector Control System Based on Mine HoistThe Speed Control of Immune-Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for a Synchronous Reluctance MotorEngineering Objective Controls Knowledge Driven Product Definition in Industrial Product DevelopmentResearch on Improvement Algorithm of Model Free Learning Adaptive ControllerRobust Fixed Point Transformations in the Model Reference Adaptive Control of a Three DoF Aeroelastic WingResearch on Modeling and Control Characteristics for Electric Power Steering System of Logistics MachineStationary Response of Duffing-van der Pol Oscillator with Delayed Feedback Control under Wide-Band Noise ExcitationDriving Performance Advancement for SRM Using a Novel Adaptive Learning Control on Dominant ParametersApplication of DEA-DA Model and Method on Quality Control in Production ProcessPID Neural Network Smith Predictive Control for a Control System with Time DelayAn EEG Based Control System for Intelligent WheelchairThe Research of Digital Display Pump Test Stand Based on IPCAdaptive Controller Designed for High-Speed Train ATO System with Nonlinear and Uncertain ResistanceIntelligent Power Management of Electric Vehicle with Li-Ion BatteryRobust Controller of Self-Powered Vehicle Active Suspension Based on LMI DesignInfluence of Parameters in Coupled Adaptive Self-Organizing Sliding-Mode Fuzzy Controller Using Volumetric Type Bending MachineHybrid Projective Synchronization for the Fractional-Order Chen-Lee System and its Circuit RealizationControl Platform for Tubular Permanent-Magnet Linear Synchronous MotorNew Planning of Pipe Cooling in Temperature Control for Mass ConcreteRobust Backstepping Control for Longitudinal Flight DynamicsIterative Adaptive Control of a Three Degrees-of-Freedom Aeroelastic Wing ModelA Kind of Design for Intelligent Photoelectric Tracing TrolleyLABTM Control System Based on FPGAReceding Horizon Control on Automatic Landing Lateral Loop of Carrier-Based AircraftResearch on Data Reports Based on Experimentation & Test of Traffic EngineeringThe Effects of Production Performance Model and Competitive Environment of Hospital SystemsThe Viscoelasticity of Intestines by Dynamical Mechanical AnalysisDevelopment of a CCD-Based Optical Computed Tomography Scanner Used in 3D Gel DosimetryFinite Deformation Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Arterial WallThe Research of Applying Parallel Streaming Technology on Developing Cloud Computing Platform for Delivering Medical ImagesThe Illumination of a Electrical Non-Fiberoptic Endoscope of SurgeryCell Separation Through Ascending and Descending Curvilinear MicrochannelsThe Influence of Suture Density on Bioprosthetic Heart ValveComputer Simulation for New Theoretical Model Constructed with TuberculosisColor Image Enhancement Methods Based on MatlabDesign and Implementation of Seismic Data Digital FilterRealization of Car?s Frontal Projected Area Based on OpenCVAudio-Video Synchronization Method Based on Playback TimeComparative Analysis of Image Measurement Accuracy in High Temperature Based on Visible and Infrared Vision