Warner / Palfreyman | Managing Crisis | Buch | 978-0-335-22831-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch

Warner / Palfreyman

Managing Crisis

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22831-7
Verlag: Open University Press

* Why do crises arise in Further and Higher Education institutions?
* How can these crises be overcome?
* What lessons can be learnt?

There have been several high profile crises in higher education during the last two decades. Managing Crisis draws together a number of senior academic managers to prepare, probably for the first time ever, a series of detailed institutional case-studies. These case-studies identify the nature of the crisis, describe the action taken to resolve it, and consider the lasting consequences. An important chapter gives the informed perspectives of the funding council on higher education crises, and in the final chapter the inimitable Peter Scott draws a series of significant conclusions.

Managing Crisis is the first book to examine crises in higher education in detail and to identify key points on how to overcome or avoid them. Required reading for managers working within UK Higher Education Policy.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Setting the scene
Case studies
Cardiff University
crisis at Cardiff
Lancaster University
capital building and cash flow at the University of Lancaster
Thames Valley University
how one man wove a kind of magic in Ealing
Southampton Institute
London Guildhall University
the experience of London Guildhall University
Swansea Institute
heartbreak ending for a foreign affair
Lambeth College
the Lambeth hike: the improvement path of a major further education college
The funding council perspective
The international dimension
crisis making and crisis managing
Learning the lessons

David Warner is Principal and Chief Executive of the Swansea Institute of Higher Education. He has previously worked at the Universities of Warwick, East Anglia and Central England in Birmingham. David has written and edited extenstively on higher education management issues.

David Palfreyman is the Bursar and a Fellow of New College, Oxford. He previously worked at the Universities of Liverpool and Warwick and is also a prolific writer on higher education topics.

David Warner and David Palfreyman edit the Managing Universities and Colleges series for Open University Press; and they are the founding Directors of OxCHEPS (Oxford Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies; www.new.oxford.ac.uk/oxcheps).

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