Welding | Buch | 978-81-948676-1-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 927 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 180 mm x 240 mm


Theory and Practice

Buch, Englisch, 927 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 180 mm x 240 mm

ISBN: 978-81-948676-1-6
Verlag: IK International Pvt. Ltd

Welding plays an important role in modern production methods, and has made possible the construction of plants, equipment and structures unattainable by other known methods. It is almost impossible to make a product like automobile, aircraft, etc., without cast component. This book will serve as a bridge between the study of the processes and their applications in production industries.

Theory and practice are blended and explained so that the reader gets holistic approach to welding. First, basic processes are discussed, followed by the special processes and design, testing, weldability of systems are discussed at the end. The approach to the various aspects of welding design, has been kept as simple as practicable and wherever possible the fundamental features have been stressed. Every effort has been made to comply with the existing and accepted standards and in this respect the nomenclature adopted is consistent with standard specifications.

The book also includes industry data, foundry practices, and real-time industrial applications. Fundamental theory is presented with up-to-date technical information using simple line sketches.

This book is meant for the students of B.E, B.Tech. M.Tech and other post-graduate courses. This book will also serve as a useful reference for academicians material researchers, mechanical engineers, professionals in manufacturing and related industries. Several GATE and IES exam questions are solved to make it suitable for the readers who take up competitive exams.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Section A: Basic Welding Process
- Section B: Resistance Welding Processes
- Section C: Solid State Welding Processes
- Section D: Gas Welding and Brazing Processes
- Section E: Advanced Welding Processes
- Section F: Allied Welding Processes
- Section G: Miscellaneous Topics in Welding
- References
- Index

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