Werning / Artiles / Caballeros | Keeping the Promise? | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, 185 Seiten, Format (B × H): 148 mm x 210 mm

Werning / Artiles / Caballeros Keeping the Promise?

Contextualizing Inclusive Education in Developing Countries

E-Book, Englisch, 185 Seiten, Format (B × H): 148 mm x 210 mm

ISBN: 978-3-7815-5492-4
Verlag: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt GmbH & Co. KG
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark

Inclusive education became a global promise corroborated
by international declarations such as the Salamanca
Statement (1994) and the Incheon Declaration
(2015). Most countries worldwide have committed to
the goal of inclusive education, putting a lot of pressure
on so-called developing countries.
Against this backdrop, the threefold purpose of this book
is to:
1. Generate research evidence on the development and
implementation of inclusive education in developing
2. Contextualize inclusive education in specific developing
countries and contexts, and
3. Reflect on the future of inclusive education in developing
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Weitere Infos & Material

1;Rolf Werning / Alfredo J. Artiles /Petra Engelbrecht / Myriam Hummel /Marta Caballeros / Antje Rothe(Eds.):Keeping the Promise?;1
4;Nidhi Singal: Foreword;8
6;Petra Engelbrecht and Alfredo J. Artiles: 1 Inclusive Education: Contextualizing the Historyof a Global Movement;16
6.1;1 History of Inclusive Education;17
6.2;2 Global Debates and Research on the Implementation of Inclusive Education;19
6.3;3 Main Themes from Research on Inclusive Education in Developing Countries;22
6.4;4 Conclusions;26
7;Myriam Hummel, Petra Engelbrecht and Rolf Werning: 2.1 Developing an Understanding of Inclusive Education in Malawi;30
7.1;1 Malawi’s Socio-Economic and Cultural Contexts;30
7.2;2 The Malawi Education System;31
7.3;3 Central Research Findings;38
7.4;4 Future Perspectives;45
8;Antje Rothe, Evance Charlie and Anderson Chikumbutso Moyo: 2.2 Global Processes and Local Manifestations: Two Case Studies from Malawi;48
8.1;1 Methodological Issues;49
8.2;2 Characteristics of the Selected Case Study Schools;51
8.3;3 Dimensions of Analysis and Findings: Special Education and Inclusive Education;54
8.4;4 Dimensions of Analysis and Findings: Policy Idealism and School Reality;66
8.5;5 Dimensions of Analysis and Findings: Traditional Orientations versus Formal Education;80
8.6;6 Comparison;89
8.7;7 Conclusions;91
9;Cristina Perdomo, Marta Caballeros, Alfredo J. Artiles, Magaly Menéndez and Gerson Sontay: 3.1 Developing an Understanding of Inclusive Education in Guatemala;94
9.1;1 Guatemala’s Socio-Economic and Cultural Contexts;95
9.2;2 The Guatemalan Education System;98
9.3;3 Methodology of the Study;101
9.4;4 Inclusive Education from the Stakeholder Perspective;104
9.5;5 Discussion;115
9.6;6 Concluding Remarks;117
10;Marta Caballeros, Alfredo J. Artiles, Héctor Canto and Cristina Perdomo: 3.2 Inclusive Education in Developing Countries: Two Case Studies from Guatemala;122
10.1;1 Case Study School 1: Inclusive School in a Slum Area;126
10.2;2 Inclusive Education in the Midst of Inequality: The Case of a Rural School;136
10.3;3 Discussion;143
11;Myriam Hummel, Antje Rothe and Rolf Werning: 4 Theoretical Annotations of the Research Results from Guatemala and Malawi;152
11.1;1 Tensions in the Implementation of Inclusive Education;153
11.2;2 Recontextualization of Inclusive Education on Different System Levels;157
11.3;3 Inclusive Education: From Negative Pressure to Positive Pressure;162
11.4;4 Conclusions;164
12;Antje Rothe, Marta Caballeros, Myriam Hummel, Petra Engelbrecht, Alfredo J. Artiles and Rolf Werning: 5 Reflections on the Future of Inclusive Education;168
12.1;Future Perspective #1: Using Situated Models of InclusiveEducation;169
12.2;Future Perspective #2: Considering the Importance of Educational Quality in the Process of Realizing Inclusive Education;171
12.3;Future Perspective #3: Creating Positive Pressure;174
12.4;Keeping the Promise?;177
13;Short Biographies of the Authors and Editors;182

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