Wu / Qian / Li | Ecological Environment and Technology of Concrete | Buch | 978-3-03785-109-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 480 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

Wu / Qian / Li

Ecological Environment and Technology of Concrete

Buch, Englisch, 480 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-3-03785-109-8
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

This volume presents the proceedings of the International Symposium on Ecological Environment and Technology of Concrete, held on August 1st to 4th, 2011 in Beijing, China. Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).The main aim of this symposium was to highlight the relationship between concrete technology and the ecological environment; thus covering a wide range of topics such as the preparation of high-strength/high-performance concrete, durability, raw materials, workability, chemical admixtures, new applications, property characterization, environmental impact of concrete production and behavior of concrete structures. In all, 70 papers from China, Norway and the USA were presented at the conference. These proceedings offer a very up-to-date overview of the field.
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Sponsors, Committees and Preface
Keynote Report
Research on Activation and Application of the Fine Powders from Waste Concrete
Effect of Grinding Methods on the Performance of Ground Fly Ash
Mechanical Properties and Permeability of Recycled Aggregate Concrete at Low Water/Binder Ratio
Evaluation of Compaction Characteristics and Performance of Warm–Recycled Mix Asphalt
Durability Improvement of Concrete in the Environment of Compound Salt and Freeze-Thaw Cycles by Incorporating Mineral Additives
Investigation of Drying Shrinkage of Concrete Prepared with Iron Mine Tailings
The Experimental Analyses on the Solidified Effect of Heavy Metals in the Ceramsite Calcined by the Composite Materials of Electroplating Sludge and Seabeach Sludge
Experimental Study on Adaptability of Artifactitious Aggregate with Water-Reducers
Diffusion of Multi-Ionic Species in Recycled Aggregate Concrete
I. Cementitious Materials
Study on Slag-Based Geopolymer Hydration Process
A.C Impedance Spectrum and Microstructure of Reactive Powder Cementitious Materials with Low w/b
Study on Effect of Carbonation Curing for Cement Minerals and Clinker
The Effect of Activators on the Fly Ash-Based Geopolymers
Properties of a Low-Carbon Cement with 90% of Industrial Refuse
Comparison of Fluidity between Metakaolin and Silica Fume Concretes
Influence of the Fineness of Micro-Fines on the Performance of Cement and Mortar
Influence of Silica Fume on the Performance of PALC
Analysis on the Pozzolanic Effects of Phosphorus Slag Powder in Concrete
Influence of Cement Particle Size Distribution on Strength of Hardened Cement Paste
A Calculation Method for Packing Density of Powder in Paste with Continuous Grain Size Distribution
Ultrasound In Situ Testing of early Hydration Process of Supplementary Cementitious Pastes
Influence of Mineralogical Origin of Limestone Powder on the Performance of Complex Binder Material
Performance of Compound Cementitious Material Compounded with Clinker and Limestone Powder and Coal Ash
II. Chemical Admixture
Research on the Effect of Polycarboxylate Superlasticizers on Reheology Properties of Compound Cementitious System
Study on the Impact of Sasobit on Asphalt’s Temperature Susceptibility
Research on Set Retarder of High and Super High Strength Alkali -Activated Slag Cement and Concrete
Research on the Influence and its Mechanism of an Alkali-Free Hardening Accelerator on the Performance of Concrete
Research on Fire Retardant Performance of Chinese Fir with the Compound of Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate and SiO2 Gels
A Study of Stabilizer for Saline Sludge
Experimental Research on Compatibility between Underwater Anti-Washout Admixture and Superplasticizer
Effects of Internal Curing by Super Absorbent Polymer on Shrinkage of Concrete
Bislauramide Concrete Foaming Agent: Synthesis and Properties
Effect of Salt Admixtures on Air Content in Fresh Air-Entrained Concretes
III. Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Concrete
Study on the C80 High-Strength Rock Chips Concrete
Experimental Study on Statistical Parameters of Concrete Strength Based on Weibull Probability Distribution
Effects of Powdery Mill Tailings from Magnetite on Workability and Strength of Concretes
An Experimental Research on Basic Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Used Rubber Powder
Experimental Study on CaCO3 Whisker-Reinforced Fiber Cement Mortar
Damage Evolution of Reactive Powder Concrete by Low Velocity Impact
Theoretical and Experimental Research on Compressive Strength of High Fly-Ash Content Concrete
Effect of Steam Curing on Water Sorptivity of Concrete
Study on the Curve of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Compressive Strength by Rebound Method
Mechanical Properties of Fiber Reinforced Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
Study on Performance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
Research on Mechanical Properties of Crumb Rubber Concrete
Overview on a Project of Recycling and Utilization of Construction and Demolition Waste in Frame Structures
Study on Compressive Strength of Recycled Aggregate Brick with Construction Waste
Effect of Low Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Different Strength Grade
Effect of CaCO3 Whisker and Polypropylene Hybrid Fiber on Mechanical Properties of Concrete
Experimental Study on Size Effect of Compressive Strength and Deformation Properties of Large Size Fly Ash Concrete
IV. Durability of Concrete
Permeability and Corrosion of Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete
Fire Resistance of Ultra-High-Strength Concrete: a Review
Study on the Delayed Ettringite Formation in Massive Shrinkage Compensating Concrete with U-Type Expansive Agent
Effect of Curing Condition on Structure and Scaling Resistance of Specified Density Concrete
Influence of Permeability of HCSA Expansive Agent on High Volume Fly Ash Concrete
Effects of Controlled Permeability Formwork on Surface Properties and early Age Shrinkage of Concrete
Influence of Mineral Admixtures on the Carbonation Resistance and Chloride Permeability of Steam-Cured HPC
A Study on early Shrinkage of Recycled Concrete
Influence of the Pretreatment on the Concrete Chloride Diffusion Coefficient
Effects of Reducing Sodium Chloride Concentration on the Results of Coulomb Electric Flux
Study of the Durability Characteristics of Hydraulic Concrete
Effect of Oxygen Ions Diffusion on Steel Corrosion in Concrete
Effect of Saturation Degree on Concrete Deterioration due to Freeze-Thaw Action
V. Others
Determination of the Apparent Activation Energy of Concrete by Adiabatic Test
Technology and Application Prospect of Tilt-up Construction in China
Modified Method in Group Comparison Matrixes Consistency Check and its Application in Building Material Evaluation
Construction Process Simulation Analysis for High-Rise Steel Frame Concrete Core-Tube Structure
The Water Extraction Method to Evaluate the Content of Soluble Alkali in Mortar
Study on Compressive Strength of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Confined Concrete
Preparation and Properties of Heat Durable N:TiO2 Antibacterial Nano-Ceramics

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