Kerry / Ledward | Meat Processing | Buch | 978-1-85573-583-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 480 Seiten, Gewicht: 860 g

Kerry / Ledward

Meat Processing

Improving quality
Erscheinungsjahr 2002
ISBN: 978-1-85573-583-5
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Improving quality

Buch, Englisch, 480 Seiten, Gewicht: 860 g

ISBN: 978-1-85573-583-5
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Meat is both a major food in its own right and a staple ingredient in many food products. With its distinguished editors and an international team of contributors, Meat processing reviews research on what defines and determines meat quality, and how it can be maintained or improved during processing.

Part one considers the various aspects of meat quality. There are chapters on what determines the quality of raw meat, changing views of the nutritional quality of meat and the factors determining such quality attributes as colour and flavour. Part two discusses how these aspects of quality are measured, beginning with the identification of appropriate quality indicators. It also includes chapters on both sensory analysis and instrumental methods including on-line monitoring and microbiological analysis. Part three reviews the range of processing techniques that have been deployed at various stages in the supply chain. Chapters include the use of modelling techniques to improve quality and productivity in beef cattle production, new decontamination techniques after slaughter, automation of carcass processing, high pressure processing of meat, developments in modified atmosphere packaging and chilling and freezing. There are also chapters on particular products such as restructured meat and fermented meat products.

With its detailed and comprehensive coverage of what defines and determines meat quality, Meat processing is a standard reference for all those involved in the meat industry and meat research.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Defining meat quality. Part 1 Analysing meat quality: Factors affecting the quality of raw meat; Nutritional quality of meat; Lipid-derived flavours in meat products; Modelling colour stability in meat; Fat content of meat and meat products. Part 2 Measuring quality: Quality indicators for raw meat; Sensory analysis of meat; On-line monitoring of meat quality; Microbiological hazard identification in the meat industry. Part 3 New techniques for improving quality: Modelling beef cattle production to improve quality; New developments in decontaminating raw meat; Automated meat processing; New developments in the chilling and freezing of meat; High pressure processing of meat; Processing and quality control of restructured meat; Quality control of fermented meat products; Quality control of low-fat meat products; New techniques for analysing raw meat; Meat packaging.

Kerry, John F.
Dr John F. Kerry is a Director and shareholder of Echo Ovens Ltd, Ireland. He is widely regarded for his work on value added Meats and related RTE processing technologies.

Ledward, David
David A. Ledward is Emeritus Professor of Food Science at University of Reading and is the founding editor and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Meat Science.

Kerry, Joseph P.
Dr Joseph P. Kerry is head of the Food Packaging Research Group at University College Cork, Ireland. He is renowned for his research expertise in food packaging and in the processing of muscle and muscle-based foods.

Dr John Kerry and Dr Joseph Kerry both teach at University College, Cork.

Professor David Ledward is Head of the Food Molecular Sciences Group in the School of Food Biosciences at The University of Reading.

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