Singhal / Kulkarni / Reg | Handbook of Indices of Food Quality and Authenticity | Buch | 978-1-85573-299-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 560 Seiten, Gewicht: 970 g

Singhal / Kulkarni / Reg

Handbook of Indices of Food Quality and Authenticity

Erscheinungsjahr 1997
ISBN: 978-1-85573-299-5
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 560 Seiten, Gewicht: 970 g

ISBN: 978-1-85573-299-5
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Food quality has traditionally been assessed in terms of wholesomeness, acceptability and adulteration. Yet, this traditional methodology for food analysis has increasingly proved to be inadequate. During the recent past
however, new analytical approaches used to assess the quality of foods have been emerging - work on chemotaxonomy has gained momentum, new molecules in the plant kingdom have been discovered, and there have been many advances in molecular biology and genetics.

As well as comparing and evaluating indices used to assess quality of foods, Handbook of Indices of Food Quality and Authenticity surveys the emerging techniques and methods that are currently opening up to the analyst. The book discusses the potential of these novel approaches which are sure to help in solving the new problems the food scientist is likely to face in the future.

As a detailed study of current methodologies and indicesof food quality, this book is an essential reference work for industry and an indispensable guide for the research worker, food scientist and food analyst. It will serve as a valuable tool for those analysts facing the challenge of applying known methods to unorthodox formulations and
developing new or improved methods for quality evaluation.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Food quality and authenticity indicators; Cereal grains; Fruit and vegetables; Dairy products; Meat, fish and poultry; Oils and fats; Spices, flavourants and condiments; Tea, coffee and cocoa; Quality indicators for processed foods.

Reg, D V
Professor Dinanath V. Rege is based at the Food and Fermentation Technology Division, Department of Chemical Technology, University of Bombay, India.

Singhal, R S
Dr Rekha S. Singhal is based at the Food and Fermentation Technology Division, Department of Chemical Technology, University of Bombay, India.

Kulkarni, P K
Professor Pushpa R. Kulkarni is based at the Food and Fermentation Technology Division, Department of Chemical Technology, University of Bombay, India.

Dr R S Singhal, Professor P R Kulkarni and Professor D V Rege are all based at the Food and Fermentation Technology Division, Department of Chemical Technology, University of Bombay, India.

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