Food and Beverage Services & Operations | Buch | 978-93-85909-94-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 608 Seiten, Paperback

Food and Beverage Services & Operations

Buch, Englisch, 608 Seiten, Paperback

ISBN: 978-93-85909-94-8
Verlag: IK International Pvt. Ltd

Food and Beverage Services & Operations is specially written for the students and industry professionals who would work or are working in the food and beverage divisions of hospitality organizations. The book is divided into two parts – Part I is on Food and Beverage Service Operations, which discusses topics like catering services, restaurant services, room services, banquet services, food services, meals and menus, Guéridon services, range of alcoholic/non-alcoholic beverages, wine world, beers, white spirits, brown spirits, tobacco products, cocktails, sales and revenue control systems, and so on. Part II is on Food Production Operations which discusses topics on kitchen management, principles of cooking, various kinds of vegetarian and non-vegetarian cookery, SSSS (Soups, Stocks, Sauces & Salads), basic commodities, gravies and curries, garnishes, food plating, cold kitchen, nutrition, hygiene and safety. With its wide coverage and approach to the subject, the book will serve as a complete standalone resource for students, chefs and food & beverage service professionals.

Salient Features - Learning aids include learning objectives, examples, key terms and review questions.
- Every service operation has been given in a step-wise manner following the standard operating procedure in the industry.
- Scroll boxes have been used creatively to present important and interesting facts.
- Well-labeled diagrams have been used profusely to aid understanding of the concepts.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Part A: Food and Beverage Service Operations
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Food and Beverage Organizational Structure
- 3. Food and Beverage Service Equipment
- 4. Food and Beverage Department Coordination
- 5. Restaurant Operations
- 6. Room Service Operations
- 7. Technical Proficiency
- 8. Banquet
- 9. Meals and Menu
- 10. French Classical Menu
- 11. Guéridon and Carving
- 12. Types of Service
- 13. Introduction to Beverages
- 14. Non-Alcoholic Beverages
- 15. Fermented Beverage – Wine
- 16. Old Wine World
- 17. New Wine World
- 18. Brewed Beverage: Beer
- 19. Distilled Beverages: Spirits
- 20. Brown Spirits
- 21. White Spirits
- 22. Liqueurs, Aperitifs, Vermouths, Bitters and Other Spirits
- 23. Introduction to Bar 317
- 24. Tobacco Products (Cigar and Cigarette)
- 25. Sales/Revenue Control
- Part B: Food and Beverage Production Operations
- 27. Introduction to Cuisine
- 28. Introduction to Kitchen Organization
- 29. Fundamentals of Food Production
- 30. Stocks, Soups and Sauces
- 31. Fruit and Vegetable Cookery
- 32. Egg Cookery
- 33. Seafood Cookery
- 34. Poultry Cookery
- 35. Meat Cookery
- 36. Game Cookery
- 37. Dairy Products
- 38. Rice, Cereals, Pulses and Pasta Cookery
- 39. Introduction to Basic Ingredients
- 40. Shortenings (Fats and Oils)
- 41. Supporting Agents
- 42. Herbs and Spices
- 43. Basic Gravies, Curries and Sauces
- 44. Salad and Salad Dressing
- 45. Food Plating and Presentation
- 46. Nutrition
- 47. Basics of Bakery
- 48. Cold Kitchen
- 49. Safety and Hygiene
- 50. The Power of Skills
- Bibliography
- Index

Manoj Kumar Yadav holds a Master’s in Hotel Management & Bachelor’s in Hotel Management. He is Lecturer at Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Gwalior, since 2010. He currently teaches Front Office Management and has also taught Food and Beverage Service. Earlier he has worked at JP Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Meerut; Gujarat Institute of Hotel Management, Vadodara (under the aegis of AHLA); Radisson Hotel Varanasi and Club Mahindra, Goa. He has four books to his credit.

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